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What Milton Erickson said about being Ericksonian.
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.1080/00029157.2020.1754068
Stephen Lankton 1


Over the last 15 years, as editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, I have seen papers by hundreds of authors. Many authors discuss the research, theories, and case presentations without identifying their allegiance. However, an apparent trend has developed in the last decade in which many therapists prefer to identify their work as being “Ericksonian.” Yet, there have only been few authors identifying as such who go on to explain what it means to be Ericksonian. It is concerning that few authors seem to have returned to the original source when citing concepts that have been developed by, or attributed to, Dr. Milton Erickson. The vast majority of authors who quote techniques such as utilization or naturalistic induction usually cite a third source rather than Erickson’s writings directly. Often this cited third-party author is someone who never studied with Dr. Erickson and whose writing about the cited techniques has also not been directly taken from Dr. Erickson’s work. What evolves from this practice is sort of like the childhood game of “telephone.” That is a game where a story is repeated down the line by another author which is repeated by another author until, downline, the entire matter becomes radically incorrect and incongruent with the original. In this article, I will describe Erickson’s work regarding naturalistic induction, utilization, techniques for depotentiating conscious sets, and conscious–unconscious dissociation in his own words and also illustrate the evolution of his induction techniques over the years from 1929 to 1980.


米尔顿·埃里克森(Milton Erickson)关于成为埃里克森主义者的看法。


在过去的15年中,担任《美国临床催眠杂志》的主编,我看过数百位作者的论文。许多作者在讨论研究,理论和案例介绍时并未确定其忠诚度。但是,在过去十年中出现了明显的趋势,在该趋势中,许多治疗师倾向于将自己的工作标识为“埃里克森主义者”。但是,只有极少数的作者确定这样的人继续解释爱里克森主义的含义。令人担忧的是,当引用由Milton Erickson博士发展或归因于Milton Erickson博士的概念时,似乎很少有作者回到原始资源。引用技术利用或自然归纳法之类的绝大多数作者通常会引用第三种来源,而不是直接引用埃里克森的著作。通常,被引用的第三方作者是从未与Dr. Erickson及其有关被引技术的著作也未直接摘自Erickson博士的工作。从这种做法演变而来的内容类似于童年时期的“电话”游戏。那是一个游戏,故事由另一位作者重复在另一行中重复执行,直到下线,整个问题从根本上变得不正确且与原著不一致。在本文中,我将用他自己的话来描述埃里克森关于自然主义归纳,利用,使有意识的集合去势化的技术以及有意识-无意识的分离的工作,并说明他的归纳技术在1929年至1980年间的发展。那是一种游戏,其中故事由另一位作者重复播放,而另一位作者一直重复该故事,直到下线为止,整个问题从根本上变得不正确且与原著不一致。在本文中,我将用他自己的话来描述埃里克森关于自然主义归纳,利用,使有意识的集合去势化的技术以及有意识-无意识的分离的工作,并说明他的归纳技术在1929年至1980年间的发展。那是一种游戏,其中故事由另一位作者重复播放,而另一位作者重复此故事,直到下线为止,整个问题从根本上变得不正确且与原著不一致。在本文中,我将用他自己的话来描述埃里克森关于自然主义归纳,利用,使有意识的集合去势化的技术以及有意识-无意识的分离的工作,并说明他的归纳技术在1929年至1980年间的发展。
