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Introduction to Volume 12, Issue 3 of topiCS.
Topics in Cognitive Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-30 , DOI: 10.1111/tops.12516
Wayne D. Gray

For our July 2020 issue (Volume 12, Issue 3), we publish three topics. The first is a one‐paper reply from Rafael Núñez and colleagues entitled, "For the Sciences They are A‐Changin’: A Response to Commentaries on Núñez et al.'s (2019) 'What Happened to Cognitive Science?' " The history of this topic is unusual. It began life as a Nature Human Behavior paper (Núñez et al., 2019) which “accused” the field of Cognitive Science of being multidisciplinary rather than interdisciplinary. As this paper evoked strong feelings among many cognitive scientists, we invited 10 contributions to the topic, which we published in October 2019 (Volume 11, Issue 4). The current paper is the Núñez response to these 10 papers. Note that the response was reviewed by two distinguished members of our community and I acted as the Action Editor. Also, please note that we will not be publishing replies to the replies. However, if a group is interested in publishing a full paper on this topic, we have procedures for that, and you are invited to follow those procedures to submit a proposal for a topic on this matter.

The second topic in this issue was organized and edited by Carel ten Cate (Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition, Leiden University) and his extensive team of co‐editors: Judit Gervain (Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center, CNRS), Clara C. Levelt (Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition), Christopher Petkov (Newcastle University Medical School), and William Zuidema (University of Amsterdam). Their fascinating and important topic is well summarized by the title of the Editors’ Review and Introduction: Learning Grammatical Structures: Developmental, Cross‐Species, and Computational Approaches.

Please note that all Editors’ Reviews and Introductions written for any topic are available as free downloads courtesy of our publisher. If you are a student, new to the field, or if you are a colleague, in another area of cognitive science, interested in catching up on what your colleagues in our multidisciplinary field are doing, then these papers are what you are looking for.

Our third topic in this issue is our annual Best of the International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM) edited this year by Terrance C. Stewart (Associate Research Officer at the National Research Council Canada) and Christopher W. Myers (U. S. Air Force Research Laboratory). ICCM is a small group of researchers which has been holding meetings and publishing proceeding for about 30 years. As a small group, it has evolved rapidly over time with the one constant (maybe) being its focus on models of human behavior. The group’s original focus on computational models has been augmented lately by mathematical and statistical modeling. Interestingly, as Stewart points out in his introduction, this year none of their “best‐ofs” are modeling the mythical average human; rather all of their best papers have something to do with modeling the performance and cognition of individual humans. The ICCM best‐ofs has always been a solid and sometimes exciting collection of papers. For those of us interested in understanding “individuals,” it has just become more exciting.

To our readers, keep searching and reading topiCS for our high‐quality, curated collections of papers on timely topics of interest to the broad cognitive science community.


topicCS 第 12 卷第 3 期简介。

对于 2020 年 7 月号(第 12 卷第 3 期),我们发布了三个主题。第一篇是 Rafael Núñez 及其同事的一篇论文回复,题为“科学正在发生改变”:对 Núñez 等人 (2019)“认知科学发生了什么?”的评论回应 “这个话题的历史很不寻常。它最初是一篇《自然人类行为》论文(Núñez et al., 2019),“指责”认知科学领域是多学科的,而不是跨学科的。由于这篇论文引起了许多认知科学家的强烈共鸣,我们邀请了 10 名投稿者参与该主题,并于 2019 年 10 月发表(第 11 卷第 4 期)。当前的论文是努涅斯对这 10 篇论文的回应。请注意,该回复由我们社区的两位杰出成员审阅,我担任操作编辑。另请注意,我们不会发布对回复的回复。但是,如果某个小组有兴趣发表有关该主题的完整论文,我们有相应的程序,并且邀请您按照这些程序提交有关此问题的主题的提案。

本期的第二个主题由 Carel ten Cate(莱顿大学大脑与认知研究所)及其广泛的联合编辑团队组织和编辑:Judit Gervain(CNRS 综合神经科学与认知中心)、Clara C. Levelt (莱顿脑与认知研究所)、Christopher Petkov(纽卡斯尔大学医学院)和 William Zuidema(阿姆斯特丹大学)。编辑评论和简介的标题很好地概括了他们引人入胜且重要的主题:学习语法结构:发展、跨物种和计算方法。


本期的第三个主题是今年由 Terrance C. Stewart(加拿大国家研究委员会副研究官)和 Christopher W. Myers(美国空军研究实验室)编辑的年度最佳认知建模国际会议 (ICCM) )。ICCM 是一个由研究人员组成的小组,已举办会议并发表论文约 30 年。作为一个小团体,它随着时间的推移而迅速发展,唯一不变的(也许)是它对人类行为模型的关注。该小组最初对计算模型的关注最近通过数学和统计建模得到了增强。有趣的是,正如斯图尔特在他的介绍中指出的那样,今年他们的“最好的”都没有模仿神话般的普通人;相反,他们所有最好的论文都与人类个体的表现和认知建模有关。ICCM 的最佳论文一直是一个可靠且有时令人兴奋的论文集。对于我们这些有兴趣了解“个人”的人来说,它变得更加令人兴奋。

