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Pavlovian conditioning under partial reinforcement: The effects of nonreinforced trials versus cumulative conditioned stimulus duration.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-12 , DOI: 10.1037/xan0000242
Justin A Harris 1 , Mark E Bouton 2

A core feature of associative models, such as those proposed by Allan Wagner (Rescorla & Wagner, 1972; Wagner, 1981), is that conditioning proceeds in a trial-by-trial fashion, with increments and decrements in associative strength occurring on each occasion that the conditioned stimulus (conditional stimulus, or CS) is present either with or without the unconditioned stimulus (US). A very different approach has been taken by theories that assume animals continuously accumulate information about the total length of time spent waiting for the US both during the CS and in the absence of the CS (e.g., Gallistel & Gibbon, 2000). Here we describe 3 experiments using within-subject designs that tested trial-based and time-accumulation accounts of the acquisition of conditioned responding using magazine approach conditioning in rats. We found that responding was affected by the total (cumulative) duration of exposure to the CS without the US rather than the number of trials on which the CS occurred without the US. We also found that exposure to the CS without the US had the same effect on conditioning whether that exposure occurred shortly (60 s) before each CS-US pairing or whether it occurred long (240 s) before each pairing. These findings are more consistent with time-accumulation models of conditioning than trial-based models like the Rescorla-Wagner model and Wagner's (1981) sometimes opponent process model. We discuss these findings in relation to other evidence that favors trial-based models rather than time-accumulation models. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).



诸如艾伦·瓦格纳(Rescorla&Wagner,1972;瓦格纳,1981)提出的那些关联模型的核心特征是,条件以逐次试验的方式进行,并且每次都会出现关联强度的增减。不论有无条件刺激(US),都存在有条件刺激(条件刺激或CS)。理论采用了一种截然不同的方法,这些方法假定动物在CS期间和没有CS的情况下都不断积累有关等待美国花费的总时间的信息(例如Gallistel&Gibbon,2000年)。在这里,我们描述了3个使用受试者内部设计的实验,这些实验测试了使用杂志方法对大鼠进行条件响应的获得的基于试验的和时间累积的说明。我们发现,在没有美国的情况下,响应受到CS暴露的总(累计)持续时间的影响,而不是在没有美国的情况下发生CS的试验的数量。我们还发现,无论是在每次CS-US配对之前不久(60 s)还是在每次配对之前长时间(240 s)发生,暴露于没有US的CS都会对调节产生相同的影响。与基于试验的模型(例如Rescorla-Wagner模型和Wagner(1981)有时是反对者的过程模型)相比,这些发现与条件的时间累积模型更加一致。我们将与其他支持基于试验的模型而非时间累积模型的证据相关地讨论这些发现。(PsycInfo数据库记录(c)2020 APA,保留所有权利)。