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Mass spectrometry as a tool for the dereplication of saponins from Ampelozizyphus amazonicus Ducke bark and wood
Phytochemical Analysis ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-18 , DOI: 10.1002/pca.2972
Simony C Mendonça 1 , Rosineide C Simas 2 , Daniel L Reis Simas 3 , Suzana G Leitão 2 , Gilda G Leitão 1

Mass spectrometry in natural products research has been used as a first step to identify possible chemical structures and to guide subsequent efforts to isolate novel compounds. Preparations of Ampelozizyphus amazonicus Ducke (AA) are known for their high content of saponins, especially dammarane‐type triterpenoid aglycones. In the Amazon, where it is known as “saracura‐mirá”, roots and bark are widely used for the treatment and prevention of malaria, while the wood is discarded. The extract prepared from the wood is also saponin‐rich, but its exact chemical composition has not been described.


质谱法作为从Ampelozizyphus amazonicus Ducke树皮和木材中提取皂苷的工具

天然产物研究中的质谱法已被用作第一步,以鉴定可能的化学结构并指导后续工作,以分离出新型化合物。众所周知Ampelozizyphus amazonicus Ducke(AA)的制剂中皂苷含量高,尤其是丹玛烷型三萜类糖苷配基。在被称为“saracura-mirá”的亚马逊地区,根和树皮被广泛用于治疗和预防疟疾,而木材则被丢弃。从木材中提取的提取物也富含皂素,但尚未描述其确切的化学组成。