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Average-Size Erect Penis: Fiction, Fact, and the Need for Counseling
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy ( IF 3.099 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-15 , DOI: 10.1080/0092623x.2020.1787279
Bruce M King 1


Most men believe that the average length of an erect penis is greater than 6 inches (15.24 cm). This belief is due, in part, to several often-cited studies that relied on self-reported measurements, with means of about 6.2 inches (15.75 cm) for heterosexual men and even greater for gay men. These studies suffered from both volunteer bias and social desirability bias. In this review, the combined mean for 10 studies in which researchers took measurements of erect penises was 5.36 inches (13.61 cm; n = 1,629). For 21 studies in which researchers measured stretched penises, the mean was approximately 5.11 inches (12.98 cm; n = 13,719). Based on these studies, the average length of an erect penis is between 5.1 and 5.5 inches (12.95–13.97 cm), but after taking volunteer bias into account, it is probably toward the lower end of this range. Studies show that a majority of men wish they were larger, with some choosing penile lengthening surgery. These surgeries are considered by the American Urological Association to be risky. Most men seeking surgery have normal sized penises. Counseling with factual information about penis size might be effective in alleviating concerns for the majority of men who worry about having a small penis.




大多数男性认为勃起的阴茎的平均长度大于 6 英寸(15.24 厘米)。这种信念部分归因于一些经常被引用的研究,这些研究依赖于自我报告的测量值,异性恋男性的平均值约为 6.2 英寸(15.75 厘米),同性恋男性的平均值更大。这些研究同时受到志愿者偏见和社会期望偏见的影响。在这篇综述中,研究人员测量勃起阴茎的 10 项研究的综合平均值为 5.36 英寸(13.61 厘米;n = 1,629)。对于研究人员测量拉伸阴茎的 21 项研究,平均值约为 5.11 英寸(12.98 厘米;n = 13,719)。根据这些研究,勃起的阴茎的平均长度在 5.1 到 5.5 英寸(12.95-13.97 厘米)之间,但在考虑到志愿者的偏见后,它可能接近这个范​​围的下限。研究表明,大多数男性希望自己变大,有些人选择阴茎延长手术。美国泌尿外科协会认为这些手术是有风险的。大多数寻求手术的男性都有正常大小的阴茎。咨询有关阴茎大小的事实信息可能会有效减轻大多数担心阴茎小的男性的担忧。
