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Command Suicidal Hallucination as Initial Presentation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Case Report
Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.psym.2020.05.022
Junaid Mirza 1 , Amvrine Ganguly 1 , Alla Ostrovskaya 2 , Alan Tusher 2 , Ramaswamy Viswanathan 3

Abstract Introduction Presently the COVID-19 pandemic is raging through the United States and worldwide. This enigmatic virus characteristically affects the respiratory system. Atypical presentations, such as gastrointestinal symptoms, and cases of encephalopathy have also been reported. However, psychiatric symptoms as the initial presenting feature is novel. We describe one such case. Case Presentation 53-year-old man with no prior psychiatric or significant medical history was brought to the emergency department after ingesting bleach in an apparent suicide attempt. On initial presentation, the patient was uncooperative and withdrawn, though alert and oriented. He subsequently developed fever, tachycardia, elevated blood urea nitrogen and transaminases. SARS CoV-2 was confirmed on RT-PCR. Neurological examination was non-contributory. As his clinical condition improved, the patient reported that his initial symptom was an auditory hallucination telling him to jump from a bridge or ingest bleach. He reported that the increasing intensity of his auditory hallucinations led him to act upon it. He denied mood symptoms or suicidal ideation. The hallucinations did not recur during the hospital course, but he required 3 doses of antipsychotic medication for agitation. After improvement of his SARS CoV-2 infection, he was free of psychiatric symptoms and was discharged to a subacute rehabilitation center. Conclusion This case indicates that what appears as a sudden onset of a psychiatric illness in the current context may be an initial manifestation of a developing COVID illness.


命令自杀幻觉作为 2019 年冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 的初始表现:病例报告

摘要 介绍 目前,COVID-19 大流行正在美国和世界范围内肆虐。这种神秘病毒的特征是影响呼吸系统。非典型表现,如胃肠道症状和脑病病例也有报道。然而,作为初始表现特征的精神症状是新颖的。我们描述了一个这样的案例。病例介绍 一名 53 岁男性,既往无精神病史或无重大病史,在明显企图自杀的情况下摄入漂白剂后被送往急诊室。最初就诊时,患者不合作且孤僻,但警觉和定向。他随后出现发烧、心动过速、血尿素氮和转氨酶升高。SARS CoV-2 经 RT-PCR 证实。神经系统检查无贡献。随着他的临床状况好转,患者报告说他的最初症状是幻听,让他从桥上跳下来或摄入漂白剂。他报告说,他的幻听越来越严重,导致他采取了行动。他否认情绪症状或自杀意念。在住院期间,幻觉没有再次出现,但他需要服用 3 剂抗精神病药物来缓解躁动。在他的 SARS CoV-2 感染好转后,他没有精神症状,并出院到亚急性康复中心。结论 该案例表明,在当前情况下,精神疾病的突然发作可能是发展中的 COVID 疾病的最初表现。病人报告说,他的最初症状是幻听,让他从桥上跳下来或摄入漂白剂。他报告说,他的幻听越来越严重,导致他采取了行动。他否认情绪症状或自杀意念。在住院期间,幻觉没有再次出现,但他需要服用 3 剂抗精神病药物来缓解躁动。在他的 SARS CoV-2 感染好转后,他没有精神症状,并出院到亚急性康复中心。结论 该案例表明,在当前情况下,精神疾病的突然发作可能是发展中的 COVID 疾病的最初表现。病人报告说,他的最初症状是幻听,让他从桥上跳下来或摄入漂白剂。他报告说,他的幻听越来越严重,导致他采取了行动。他否认情绪症状或自杀意念。在住院期间,幻觉没有再次出现,但他需要服用 3 剂抗精神病药物来缓解躁动。在他的 SARS CoV-2 感染好转后,他没有精神症状,并出院到亚急性康复中心。结论 该案例表明,在当前情况下,精神疾病的突然发作可能是发展中的 COVID 疾病的最初表现。他报告说,他的幻听越来越严重,导致他采取了行动。他否认情绪症状或自杀意念。在住院期间,幻觉没有再次出现,但他需要服用 3 剂抗精神病药物来缓解躁动。在他的 SARS CoV-2 感染好转后,他没有精神症状,并出院到亚急性康复中心。结论 该案例表明,在当前情况下,精神疾病的突然发作可能是发展中的 COVID 疾病的最初表现。他报告说,他的幻听越来越严重,导致他采取了行动。他否认情绪症状或自杀意念。在住院期间,幻觉没有再次出现,但他需要服用 3 剂抗精神病药物来缓解躁动。在他的 SARS CoV-2 感染好转后,他没有精神症状,并出院到亚急性康复中心。结论 该案例表明,在当前情况下,精神疾病的突然发作可能是发展中的 COVID 疾病的最初表现。他没有精神症状,出院到亚急性康复中心。结论 该案例表明,在当前情况下,精神疾病的突然发作可能是发展中的 COVID 疾病的最初表现。他没有精神症状,出院到亚急性康复中心。结论 该案例表明,在当前情况下,精神疾病的突然发作可能是发展中的 COVID 疾病的最初表现。