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Stabilization and operation of a Kerr-cat qubit
Nature ( IF 50.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-12 , DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2587-z
A Grimm 1, 2 , N E Frattini 1 , S Puri 3 , S O Mundhada 1 , S Touzard 1 , M Mirrahimi 4 , S M Girvin 3 , S Shankar 1, 5 , M H Devoret 1

Quantum superpositions of macroscopically distinct classical states, so-called Schr\"{o}dinger cat states, are a resource for quantum metrology, quantum communication, and quantum computation. In particular, the superpositions of two opposite-phase coherent states in an oscillator encode a qubit protected against phase-flip errors. However, several challenges have to be overcome in order for this concept to become a practical way to encode and manipulate error-protected quantum information. The protection must be maintained by stabilizing these highly excited states and, at the same time, the system has to be compatible with fast gates on the encoded qubit and a quantum non-demolition readout of the encoded information. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a novel method for the generation and stabilization of Schr\"{o}dinger cat states based on the interplay between Kerr nonlinearity and single-mode squeezing in a superconducting microwave resonator. We show an increase in transverse relaxation time of the stabilized, error-protected qubit over the single-photon Fock-state encoding by more than one order of magnitude. We perform all single-qubit gate operations on time-scales more than sixty times faster than the shortest coherence time and demonstrate single-shot readout of the protected qubit under stabilization. Our results showcase the combination of fast quantum control with the robustness against errors intrinsic to stabilized macroscopic states and open up the possibility of using these states as resources in quantum information processing.


Kerr-cat 量子比特的稳定和运行

{o}dinger cat 状态基于克尔非线性和超导微波谐振器中的单模挤压之间的相互作用。我们展示了与单光子 Fock 状态编码相比,稳定的、错误保护的量子位的横向弛豫时间增加了一个数量级以上。我们在比最短相干时间快 60 倍以上的时间尺度上执行所有单量子位门操作,并展示了受保护量子位在稳定状态下的单次读出。我们的结果展示了快速量子控制与稳定宏观状态固有的错误鲁棒性的结合,并开辟了将这些状态用作量子信息处理资源的可能性。我们展示了与单光子 Fock 状态编码相比,稳定的、错误保护的量子位的横向弛豫时间增加了一个数量级以上。我们在比最短相干时间快 60 倍以上的时间尺度上执行所有单量子位门操作,并展示了受保护量子位在稳定状态下的单次读出。我们的结果展示了快速量子控制与稳定宏观状态固有的错误鲁棒性的结合,并开辟了将这些状态用作量子信息处理资源的可能性。我们展示了与单光子 Fock 状态编码相比,稳定的、错误保护的量子位的横向弛豫时间增加了一个数量级以上。我们在比最短相干时间快 60 倍以上的时间尺度上执行所有单量子位门操作,并展示了受保护量子位在稳定状态下的单次读出。我们的结果展示了快速量子控制与稳定宏观状态固有的错误鲁棒性的结合,并开辟了将这些状态用作量子信息处理资源的可能性。我们在比最短相干时间快 60 倍以上的时间尺度上执行所有单量子位门操作,并展示了受保护量子位在稳定状态下的单次读出。我们的结果展示了快速量子控制与稳定宏观状态固有的错误鲁棒性的结合,并开辟了将这些状态用作量子信息处理资源的可能性。我们在比最短相干时间快 60 倍以上的时间尺度上执行所有单量子位门操作,并展示了受保护量子位在稳定状态下的单次读出。我们的结果展示了快速量子控制与稳定宏观状态固有的错误鲁棒性的结合,并开辟了将这些状态用作量子信息处理资源的可能性。