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Correlation of High-Risk HPV Genotypes with Pap Test Findings: A Retrospective Study in Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia.
Acta Cytologica ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-12 , DOI: 10.1159/000509669
Haitham Kussaibi 1 , Reem Al Dossary 2 , Ayesha Ahmed 3 , Aroub Muammar 4 , Raghad Aljohani 4

Introduction: High-risk human papillomavirus (HR HPV) is found to be responsible for 4.5% of cancer in general, primarily cervical cancer. We aim here to highlight the prevalence and genotypes of HR HPV and correlate its association with Pap tests’ results, which are still not well known in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Methods: Over 7 years (2013–2019), the results of 164 Saudi women coinvestigated for HR HPV along with Pap tests were collected from the archive of King Fahd University Hospital. Only women who had atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) on the Pap test and those at elevated risk of infection were cotested for HR HPV; otherwise, the Pap test was the only screening modality for cervical cancer. Data were organized and statistically analyzed using IBM SPSS v26. Results: Out of 164 Saudi women, 14.5% (n = 24/164) showed positive results for HR HPV (8 patients had HPV16 and 2 had both HPV16 and HPV18/45, while the remaining 14 had other HR HPV); among them, 41.5% (n = 10/24) had an abnormal Pap test (5 ASCUS and 5 LSIL), while 58.5% (n = 14/24) had a negative Pap test. On the other hand, 21% (n = 35/164) of patients, in the study, had an abnormal Pap test (24 ASCUS, 8 low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion [LSIL], and 3 atypical glandular cell [AGC]). In 80% (n = 19/24) of ASCUS cases, HR HPV was not detected; however, 20% (n = 5/24) were positive for other HR HPV. Concerning LSIL cases, 62.5% (n = 5/8) were positive for HR HPV (1 case showed HPV16 and HPV18/45, 2 cases showed HPV16, and 2 cases showed other HR HPV), while in the remaining 37.5% (n = 3/8) LSIL cases, HR HPV was negative; similarly, all AGC cases were negative for HR HPV. Statistical analysis showed a significant correlation between HPV status and Pap test findings (p value #x3c;0.001). Discussion/Conclusion: HR HPV frequency and genotype distribution, in this study, might reflect a different regional infection pattern. The high association of HR HPV with negative cytology emphasizes the need to add the HR HPV test to screening modalities of cervix cancer.
Acta Cytologica



简介:人们发现,高风险的人乳头瘤病毒(HR HPV)占一般癌症的4.5%,主要是宫颈癌。我们的目的是强调HR HPV的流行和基因型,并将其与Pap检测结果相关联,而这在沙特阿拉伯东部省仍不为人所知。方法:在过去的7年中(2013-2019年),从法赫德国王大学医院的档案中收集了164位沙特阿拉伯妇女与HR HPV一起进行了共同调查和巴氏涂片检查的结果。只有在Pap检测中具有非典型意义的非典型鳞状细胞(ASCUS)的女性和感染风险较高的女性才可以进行HR HPV的共同检测。否则,子宫颈抹片检查是宫颈癌的唯一筛查方法。使用IBM SPSS v26对数据进行整理和统计分析。结果:在164名沙特女性中,有14.5%(n = 24/164)的HR HPV呈阳性结果(8例有HPV16,2例同时具有HPV16和HPV18 / 45,其余14例具有其他HR HPV);其中41.5%(n = 10/24)的巴氏试验异常(5 ASCUS和5 LSIL),而58.5%(n= 14/24)的巴氏试验阴性。另一方面,在该研究中,有21%(n = 35/164)的患者进行了巴氏试验异常(24例ASCUS,8例低度鳞状上皮内病变[LSIL]和3例非典型腺细胞[AGC]) 。在80%(n = 19/24)的ASCUS病例中,未检测到HR HPV。但是,其他HR HPV阳性率为20%(n = 5/24)。关于LSIL病例,HR HPV阳性为62.5%(n = 5/8)(1例显示HPV16和HPV18 / 45,2例显示HPV16,2例显示其他HR HPV),而其余的37.5%(n = 3/8)LSIL病例,HR HPV阴性;同样,所有AGC病例均对HR HPV阴性。统计分析表明,HPV状况与Pap检测结果之间存在显着相关性(p值#x3c; 0.001)。讨论/结论:在这项研究中,HR HPV频率和基因型分布可能反映了不同的区域感染模式。HR HPV与阴性细胞学密切相关,强调需要在筛查宫颈癌的方法中增加HR HPV检测。