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Sensitivity studies of cloud microphysical schemes of WRF-ARW model in the simulation of trailing stratiform squall lines over the Gangetic West Bengal region
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jastp.2020.105396
Soma Dawn , A.N.V. Satyanarayana

Abstract In this paper an attempt has been made to investigate the impact of different microphysical (MP) parameterization schemes in simulation of leading convective line with trailing stratiform (TS) squall lines observed over the Gangetic West Bengal (GWB) region of India during the pre-monsoon season of March–May using Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW). The model is employed to study the features associated with three TS squall line (May 15, 2009, May 5, 2010 and May 7, 2010) observed over the study region. The model sensitivity is evaluated with four different microphysics schemes of the model (Goddard, WDM6, Thompson and Morrison). Model simulations are carried out with three two-way nested domains with horizontal resolution of 18, 6 and 2 km grid spacing and explicit convection in the innermost domain. The model simulated results are compared with available observations (Surface data, rainfall, hydrometeors and Doppler Weather Radar products). The analysis demonstrates that the simulation of TS squall lines are very sensitive to the parameterization of microphysical processes of different MP schemes, in spite of using similar initial and boundary conditions and model configuration. The model provides better simulations of rainfall, maximum reflectivity and vertical profiles of hydrometeors with the Morrison MP Scheme. The study reveals that snow and graupel particles has significant impacts on the simulation of stratiform precipitation region of the TS squall line. The study suggests that simulation of TS squall lines using a high-resolution mesoscale model with suitable cloud microphysics scheme is useful for the prediction of such severe events.



摘要 本文试图研究不同的微物理 (MP) 参数化方案在模拟在印度恒河西孟加拉 (GWB) 地区观测到的带尾随层状 (TS) 飑线的先导对流线的影响。 - 使用高级研究天气研究和预测 (WRF-ARW) 的 3 月至 5 月季风季节。该模型用于研究与在研究区域观测到的 3 条 TS 飑线(2009 年 5 月 15 日、2010 年 5 月 5 日和 2010 年 5 月 7 日)相关的特征。使用模型的四种不同微物理方案(Goddard、WDM6、Thompson 和 Morrison)评估模型灵敏度。模型模拟是在三个双向嵌套域中进行的,水平分辨率为 18、6 和 2 公里网格间距,最里面的域有显式对流。将模型模拟结果与可用观测结果(地表数据、降雨量、水凝物和多普勒天气雷达产品)进行比较。分析表明,尽管使用相似的初始和边界条件以及模型配置,但 TS 飑线的模拟对不同 MP 方案的微物理过程的参数化非常敏感。该模型通过 Morrison MP Scheme 提供了对降雨量、最大反射率和水凝物垂直剖面的更好模拟。研究表明,雪和霰颗粒对TS飑线层状降水区的模拟具有显着影响。