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Targeting type II diabetes with plant terpenes: the new and promising antidiabetic therapeutics
Biologia ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-12 , DOI: 10.2478/s11756-020-00575-y
Suchitra K. Panigrahy , Renu Bhatt , Awanish Kumar

Type II diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia arising from defective insulin signaling. Several synthetic drugs are being used for diabetes treatment, but they have adverse effects. So as an alternative approach, compounds from plants with lesser/no side effects and comparatively cheaper are gaining momentum. Terpenes comprise a class of diversified phytochemicals, which have beneficial effects and important functions in plants. They have shown a series of biological properties that health­promoting conduct in humans. Besides, a lot of terpenes have also been reported to be much less toxic as compared to synthetic compounds. Diabetic people could be benefited from terpenes obtained either from the diet or from plant-derived herbal medicines. Due to the natural origin of terpenes, they are supposed to be a safe and promising agent in eliminating the causes and effects of diabetes. This paper reviews the research reports of terpenes as their antidiabetic potential, mechanistic action, preclinical profile, shortcomings, and prospect in the effective management of diabetes.



