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What Comes Next? Simple Practices to Improve Diversity in Science.
ACS Central Science ( IF 12.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-11 , DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.0c00905
Olugbeminiyi O Fadeyi , Marie C Heffern , Shanina Sanders Johnson , Steven D Townsend

– Olugbeminiyi O. Fadeyi, Merck & Co., Inc. Re-establish industry-funded science programs for minority students. Programs such as the United Negro College Fund - MSD (UNCF-MSD) fellowship played important roles in connecting with early career scientists to provide access to mentoring, connections to career scientists, and exposure to real-world scientific problems. Industry and university parties should discuss partnering efforts to re-ignite programs that can specifically enable minority scientists. Institute industry-academic leadership training programs. The purpose of this program is to increase the awareness of academic professors/educators on attributes that are successful for industry research. This is important for two reasons: (1) since all industry scientists come through academia, there should be increased awareness on factors that bring success in industry, and (2) this can remove some bad practices early on that hurt diversity in science. Successful scientific careers will not be determined by how much science you know, but on being system thinkers, intellectually honest and humble, and empathetic and charitable.(9) By educating academic professors on factors that lead to successful industry careers, industry can help initially set the bar for effective scientific behavior and practices. Change hiring process to be less prescriptive. Because there is comfort in sameness, we need to install practices early on to dismantle the formation of homogeneous groups and teams. This can be done at the hiring process by removing strict or unspoken requirements that a candidate must come from only certain schools or laboratories, or have done exactly x, y, and z. This will help alter the candidate pool where ethnic, cultural, and experiential backgrounds can be more easily considered. Daria Hazuda, VP of Infectious Diseases Discovery & CSO of MRL Cambridge Exploratory Science Center, Merck & Co., Inc., has said, “The emphasis needs to change to a mindset where hiring managers value talent rather than skills. In addition, current hiring practices are largely reactive and focused on filling positions rather than proactively recruiting diverse talent. A significant shift in organizational and cultural diversity requires a more deliberate and sustained intervention and investment. To make substantive inroads in diversity, proactive identification and commitment to the acquisition of diverse talent and matching the expertise and goals of the talented candidates within an organization as an ongoing and active process needs to occur rather than relying on attrition to facilitate such change.” Develop formal mentoring programs and sponsorships to empower underrepresented minorities. Maria-Jesus Blanco, Senior Director at Sage Therapeutics and 2020 Vice-Chair of ACS MEDI, has said, “Having a mentor is important for any scientist interested in pursuing a gratifying career in pharma and academia. For under-represented minorities, the impact of mentoring and sponsorship is even more critical to provide career development support overcoming barriers, and unconscious biases. Relying only on informal mentoring and networking efforts is not enough to make a true difference and minimize racism and bias faced by minority professionals. Minorities developed with these programs could, in turn, be mentors to others, thus systematically decreasing the gender and racial gaps in academia and pharma.” Link diversity and inclusion to manager performance reviews. Use quantitative metrics for assessment, such as when was the last time one of your minority team members gave a talk, how many of their ideas did you enable them to test out, how many times have you supported them to go before leadership or interact with your own boss in the last year? This should no longer be done for box checking. Managers need to be more vulnerable and transparent. Managerial behavior is perhaps the single most important factor in advancing the career of a minority scientist. While a minority scientist may not relate on skin color or life experiences, they can relate on the emotional underpinnings that make us all human. By being more vulnerable about their own failures/shortcomings/insecurities with their team members, managers can become more relatable. Rob Oslund, a chemical biologist from Merck & Co., Inc., Cambridge, MA, USA, who has worked on diverse teams, said “Racial and/or socio-economic disparities can be a huge threat toward not only doing good science but feeling like you truly belong. This is where the role of vulnerability can go a long way in countering this issue. Leaders or mentors who share their own insecurities, setbacks, or failures through emotional exposure make themselves more approachable and relatable. This very simple practice can help lower the barrier that any scientist might feel and be the starting point for meaningful conversations.” Do not wait for your manager or leadership to act. Denial and inactivity will continue to have ripple effects throughout the industry. Not only will we continue to miss out on amazing talent that will choose to do something else with their lives, but we will be left with a homogeneous talent pool for biotech and startup industries to pull from. Increase minority representation within scientific leadership. It is imperative that underrepresented scientists find role models within scientific leadership that look like them. This not only gives the scientist someone to look up to, but also sends the message that top leadership positions are within their realm of possibilities. Sadly, we often lose scientific talent to other sectors of the company or outside simply because minority leaders have more visible roles. Be careful with statistics. Wearing diversity statistics as a badge of honor does not equate with having and supporting a diverse environment (McNamara Fallacy—when you cannot measure what is important, what you can measure becomes important). This type of numbers focus can lead to a lack of vigilance on factors that truly harm diverse environments. Staying connected to your teams through active and continued conversations and/or questionnaires/polling can help keep your finger on the cultural pulse of your environment. Keep the conversation going. Importantly, have conversations about race with your own demographic. Be vulnerable in admitting what you don’t know and be willing to listen to each other. Figure 1. Pictorial representation of strategies to enable diversity and inclusion. – Steven D. Townsend, Vanderbilt University – Shanina Sanders Johnson, Spelman College – Marie C. Heffern, University of California, Davis Strengthen and cultivate your skillset. Achievement is the fastest and most sustainable route to accessing the leadership positions that will help you fundamentally change the system. Never fall victim to adversity, including the current scientific landscape. Visibility is important to increasing the diversity of the scientific pipeline. It is essential that after we have maxed out our time in the lab (priority #1) that we make time to volunteer for scientific and social events within and outside of our organizations, departments, and universities. Don’t be content; speak up when you feel like you or others aren’t receiving the support and acknowledgment that’s been earned. Identify allies to help champion the cause. You are important. Take care of your mental and physical health. The future of the science depends on your talents. Be proactive within your organization (in and outside your department) in addressing systemic issues. While a number of problems that we face are obvious, leaders in the field have blind spots. Take the initiative to provide counsel on issues that our communities encounter. Once you are a professional, seek leadership and management roles within your organization. Speak out against all elements and practices that do not promote diversity and inclusion. For trainees, pay close attention to graduate student recruiting. For professionals, play a role in promotion and internal events/programs. Remember, it is not your job to cast judgment on “how bad” an incident is (if you observe something troubling). It is your job to make sure problems are taken to the proper authority. Seek external opportunities that promote your visibility and the visibility of others. Give a voice to those who feel they are voiceless. Such opportunities for collaboration include nominating speakers for conferences, nominees for awards, or teaming up to write an editorial! Views expressed in this editorial are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the ACS. In addition to the several graduate students who have provided insight, we would like to thank Rob Oslund for useful discussions and providing key feedback. We thank Maria Blanco, Martins Oderinde, and Daria Hazuda for providing statements. Finally, we would like to thank Yi Zheng of Yizheng Illustrations for figure design work. This article references 32 other publications.



–默克公司(Merck&Co.,Inc.)的Olugbeminiyi O. Fadeyi重新建立了由行业资助的面向少数民族学生的科学计划。诸如黑人联合大学基金(MSD)(UNCF-MSD)奖学金等计划在与早期职业科学家建立联系以提供指导,与职业科学家建立联系以及接触现实世界中的科学问题方面发挥了重要作用。工业界和大学党派应讨论重新启动可以专门为少数派科学家提供支持的计划的伙伴关系。研究所行业学术领导力培训计划。该计划的目的是提高学术教授/教育者对成功进行行业研究的属性的认识。这很重要,其原因有两个:(1)由于所有行业科学家都来自学术界,因此应该提高对在行业中取得成功的因素的认识;(2)这可以在早期消除一些不利于科学多样性的不良做法。科学工作者的成功与否取决于您对科学的了解程度,而是取决于系统思想者,知识上的诚实和谦卑,善解人意和慈善的能力。(9)通过对学术教授进行指导,使他们成功地从事成功的行业事业,可以为行业提供最初的帮助为有效的科学行为和实践设定标准。更改招聘流程以减少规定性。因为在相同方面存在舒适感,所以我们需要尽早安装实践以消除同类团队和团队的形成。这可以在招聘过程中通过删除严格的或不言而喻的要求来实现,即候选人必须仅来自某些学校或实验室,或者恰好完成了x,y和z的工作。这将有助于改变候选人库,从而更容易考虑种族,文化和经验背景。默克公司剑桥探索科学中心MRL传染病发现与CSO副总裁Daria Hazuda表示:“重点需要转变为招聘经理重视人才而非技能的思维方式。另外,当前的招聘实践在很大程度上是被动的,并且侧重于填补职位,而不是主动地招聘各种人才。组织和文化多样性的重大转变需要更深思熟虑和持续的干预和投资。为了在多元化方面取得实质性进展,需要持续不断地进行积极主动的识别和承诺,以获取多样化的人才,并使组织内部有才华的候选人的专业知识和目标与之相匹配,而不是依靠减员来促进这种变化。”制定正式的指导计划和赞助,以增强代表性不足的少数民族的能力。Sage Therapeutics的高级总监兼ACS MEDI 2020副主席Maria-Jesus Blanco表示:“对于有兴趣在药学和学术界追求可喜职业的任何科学家,拥有导师都很重要。对于代表性不足的少数族裔,指导和赞助的影响对于提供职业发展支持,克服障碍和无意识的偏见更为重要。仅依靠非正式的指导和人际关系的努力不足以产生真正的影响,并最大限度地减少少数族裔专业人员面临的种族主义和偏见。反过来,通过这些计划开发的少数​​民族可以成为其他人的良师益友,从而系统地缩小学术界和制药界的性别和种族差距。”将多样性和包容性与经理绩效评估联系起来。使用定量指标进行评估,例如少数团队成员上一次演讲是什么时候,您让他们测试了多少个主意,在领导力或与之互动之前您支持过多少次?您去年的老板?不再需要进行复选框检查。管理者需要更加脆弱和透明。管理行为也许是促进少数派科学家职业发展的最重要因素。尽管少数派科学家可能与肤色或生活经历无关,但可以与使我们成为人类的情感基础有关。通过对团队成员自身的失败/不足/不安全感更加脆弱,经理可以变得更加亲切。来自美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市默克公司的化学生物学家罗伯·奥斯隆德(Rob Oslund)曾在不同的团队工作过,他说:“种族和/或社会经济差异不仅对做好科学还可能对人类构成巨大威胁。感觉像你真正属于你。在这里,漏洞的作用可以极大地解决这个问题。领导人或导师分享自己的不安全感,挫折感,或因暴露于情感而导致的失败会使自己更加平易近人。这种非常简单的做法可以帮助降低任何科学家可能会遇到的障碍,并成为有意义的对话的起点。”不要等待您的经理或领导采取行动。拒绝和不活动将继续在整个行业中产生连锁反应。我们不仅会继续错过那些会为自己的生活做些其他事情的杰出人才,而且我们将拥有同等的人才库,可供生物技术和新兴行业借鉴。在科学领导层中增加少数派代表。代表性不足的科学家必须在科学领导层中找到像他们一样的榜样。这不仅给科学家提供了一个值得仰望的人,而且还传达了以下信息:最高领导职位在其可能性范围之内。令人遗憾的是,我们经常将科学人才流失到公司的其他部门或外部,仅仅是因为少数族裔领导人扮演着更为明显的角色。注意统计数据。将多样性统计数据视为荣誉徽章并不等于拥有并支持多样化的环境(McNamara谬误-当您无法衡量重要的事物时,可以衡量的事物就变得重要)。这种以数字为重点的做法可能导致人们对真正损害多种环境的因素缺乏警惕。通过积极和持续的对话和/或问卷/民意测验与团队保持联系可以帮助您时刻关注环境的文化脉搏。继续进行下去。重要的是,与自己的受众群体进行有关种族的对话。容易接受自己不知道的东西,并愿意互相倾听。图1.实现多样性和包容性的策略的图形表示。–范德比尔特大学的Steven D. Townsend –斯佩尔曼学院的Shanina Sanders Johnson –加州大学戴维斯分校的Marie C. Heffern加强和培养技能。成就是获得领导职位的最快,最可持续的途径,这将帮助您从根本上改变系统。永远不要成为逆境的受害者,包括当前的科学前景。可见性对于增加科学渠道的多样性很重要。重要的是,在我们花了更多时间在实验室之后(优先级#1),我们有时间为组织,部门和大学内部和外部的科学和社会活动提供志愿服务。不要满足 当您感觉自己或他人未获得所获得的支持和认可时,请大声说出来。确定盟友以支持这一事业。你很重要。照顾好您的身心健康。科学的未来取决于您的才能。在组织内部(部门内部和外部)积极应对系统性问题。尽管我们面临的许多问题是显而易见的,但该领域的领导者还是有盲点。主动就我们社区遇到的问题提供咨询。一旦您成为专业人士,在组织内寻求领导和管理角色。反对所有不会促进多样性和包容性的要素和做法。对于受训者,请密切注意研究生的招募。对于专业人士,在促销和内部活动/计划中发挥作用。请记住,判断事件的“严重程度”(如果您观察到令人不安的事情)不是您的责任。确保将问题带到适当的权限,这是您的工作。寻求可提高您的知名度和他人知名度的外部机会。向那些感到自己无声的人发声。这样的合作机会包括提名会议发言人,获奖提名或联手撰写社论!本社论中表达的观点只是作者的观点,不一定是ACS的观点。除了提供见解的数名研究生之外,我们还要感谢Rob Oslund进行的有益讨论并提供了重要反馈。我们感谢Maria Blanco,Martins Oderinde和Daria Hazuda的发言。最后,我们还要感谢《仪征插图》的郑逸的图形设计工作。本文引用了其他32个出版物。