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Low-temperature separation of helium-helion mixture
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-10 , DOI: 10.1515/rams-2020-0004
Alexey Mikhailovich Bubenchikov 1 , Mikhail Alekseevich Bubenchikov 2 , Soninbayar Jambaa 3 , Aleksandr Viktorovich Lun-Fu 2 , Anna Sergeevna Chelnokova 4

The research is devoted to the problem of designing materials with an adjustable property of permeability. The obtained tool for property regulation allows achieving hyper-selectivity in relation to separation of helium isotope mixtures, as well as some other gas mixtures. The reasearch is theoretical in nature; however, it suggests a clear direction of activity for experimenters. The result obtained is valid for ultrathin barriers of any form. As a result, a new exact solution of the Schrödinger equation of wave dynamics, which is valid for the case of two-barrier systems, is found. This solution allows for comprehensive consideration of the process of wave passage through a barrier and identification of the causes leading to super-permeability of individual components.


