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The mid holocene occupation of the Pearl Islands: A case of unusual insular adaptations on the Pacific Coast of Panama
Quaternary International ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.07.036
Georges A. Pearson , Juan Guillermo Martín , Sergio Andrés Castro , Máximo Jiménez Acosta , Richard G. Cooke

Abstract A survey of the Pearl Island archipelago discovered a Preceramic shell-bearing midden on the island of Pedro Gonzalez located in Panama Bay in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. This occupation dates between ca. 6200 and 5600 cal yr BP, and revealed a mixed marine and terrestrial economy including the exploitation of sea and terrestrial turtles, snakes, iguanas, dolphins, and land mammals such as dwarf deer. Test excavations in 2007–2010 provided well-preserved invertebrate and vertebrate samples, which were considerably more diverse taxonomically for fish than for other vertebrate categories. At that time, only boa among a large snake sample was identified to species. A 7 × 4 m pit dug in 2015 increased the faunal sample but added little to diversity. Development of the ophidian comparative collection, augmented by on-line research, enhanced snake diversity and highlighted the dietary importance of snakes. Two marine turtle species – hawksbill and Pacific green– remain the only ones exploited. Improvements in stratigraphic sectioning have fine-tuned chronological fluctuations of faunal populations as in the case of green iguana and terrestrial mammals. Birds have experienced the greatest increase in diversity, but not as much as expected on the basis of the present-day island avifauna. Only two terrestrial mammal genera – squirrel, and rabbit – were added to the inventory inferred during 2007–2010, which comprised deer, opossum, monkey, agouti, paca, spiny rat, furry spiny rat, and probable capybara. The occupants of Pedro Gonzalez took advantage of the abundant agate nodules eroding from the island's volcanic bedrock. This latest study reveals the presence of a substantial microlithic component that relied on the specialized heat treatment of whole nodules of lithic raw materials. As an idea to be explored further, we suggest that these microliths may have been produced by women for the manufacture and maintenance of composite cutting and/or grating tools used for the preparation of various foods. Ongoing analyses from the 2015 excavations are providing new information on the impact of these early colonists on the local fauna and have demonstrated how the physical properties of the island's lithic raw materials influenced their reduction strategies.



摘要 一项对珍珠岛群岛的调查在位于热带太平洋东部巴拿马湾的佩德罗冈萨雷斯岛上发现了一个带有陶瓷前壳的贝壳。这个职业可以追溯到大约。6200 和 5600 cal yr BP,揭示了海洋和陆地混合经济,包括对海龟、蛇、鬣蜥、海豚和陆地哺乳动物(如矮鹿)的开发。2007-2010 年的测试挖掘提供了保存完好的无脊椎动物和脊椎动物样本,这些样本在鱼类分类学上比其他脊椎动物类别更加多样化。当时,在大型蛇类样本中,只有蟒蛇被鉴定为物种。2015 年挖了一个 7 × 4 m 的坑,增加了动物群样本,但几乎没有增加多样性。通过在线研究开发的蛇蝎比较收藏,增强了蛇的多样性,并强调了蛇的饮食重要性。两种海龟物种——玳瑁和太平洋绿——仍然是唯一被开发的物种。地层划分的改进微调了动物群的时间顺序波动,如绿鬣蜥和陆生哺乳动物的情况。鸟类经历了最大的多样性增加,但没有像当今岛屿鸟类的预期那样多。在 2007-2010 年推断的清单中只添加了两个陆生哺乳动物属 - 松鼠和兔子,其中包括鹿、负鼠、猴子、刺豚鼠、paca、刺鼠、毛茸茸的刺鼠和可能的水豚。佩德罗·冈萨雷斯 (Pedro Gonzalez) 的居住者利用了从岛上火山基岩中侵蚀出来的大量玛瑙结核。这项最新研究揭示了大量微石成分的存在,这种成分依赖于对整个石质原材料结核进行专门的热处理。作为一个有待进一步探索的想法,我们认为这些微石可能是由女性生产的,用于制造和维护用于制备各种食物的复合切割和/或磨碎工具。2015 年发掘的持续分析提供了关于这些早期殖民者对当地动物群的影响的新信息,并证明了岛上岩屑原材料的物理特性如何影响他们的减少策略。我们认为这些微石可能是由女性生产的,用于制造和维护用于制备各种食物的复合切割和/或磨碎工具。2015 年发掘的持续分析提供了关于这些早期殖民者对当地动物群的影响的新信息,并证明了岛上岩屑原材料的物理特性如何影响他们的减少策略。我们认为这些微石可能是由女性生产的,用于制造和维护用于制备各种食物的复合切割和/或磨碎工具。2015 年发掘的持续分析提供了关于这些早期殖民者对当地动物群的影响的新信息,并证明了岛上岩屑原材料的物理特性如何影响他们的减少策略。