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A Component Model with Verifiable Composition for the Construction of Emergency Management Systems
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s13369-020-04819-6
Tauseef Rana , Muhammad Ali Imran , Abdullah Baz

Construction of critical systems (e.g. disaster/emergency management systems) demands extra efforts from the developers as compared to non-critical systems. A critical system may be comprised of hardware communication infrastructure and the management system software. Many of hardware failures or in-capabilities can be handled by the resilient software components. The management software’s main tasks are to continuously collect data (from distributed sensors), to predict possible threats, and to intimate the right authorities for timely action to avoid/reduce the damages of the threats. For the construction of such systems, by reusing existing reliable software components, a verifiable software composition mechanism is highly desired. In this paper, we select a component model (EX-MAN) from the component-based development approaches for providing pre-defined exogenous connectors. In this paper, at the methodological level, we define an approach to verify the correctness of exogenous connectors. To evaluate our approach, we design an emergency management system in EX-MAN and implement the system in our tool for EX-MAN.



