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Functional Organization of Midget and Parasol Ganglion Cells in the Human Retina
bioRxiv - Neuroscience Pub Date : 2020-08-11 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.08.07.240762
Alexandra Kling , Alex R. Gogliettino , Nishal P. Shah , Eric G. Wu , Nora Brackbill , Alexander Sher , Alan M. Litke , Ruwan A. Silva , E.J. Chichilnisky

The functional organization of diverse retinal ganglion cell (RGC) types, which shape the visual signals transmitted to the brain, has been examined in many species. The unique spatial, temporal, and chromatic properties of the numerically dominant RGC types in macaque monkey retina are presumed to most accurately model human vision. However, the functional similarity between RGCs in macaques and humans has only begun to be tested, and recent work suggests possible differences. Here, the properties of the numerically dominant human RGC types were examined using large-scale multi-electrode recordings with fine-grained visual stimulation in isolated retina, and compared to results from dozens of recordings from macaque retina using the same experimental methods and conditions. The properties of four major human RGC types -- ON-parasol, OFF-parasol, ON-midget, and OFF-midget -- closely paralleled those of the same macaque RGC types, including the spatial and temporal light sensitivity, precisely coordinated mosaic organization of receptive fields, ON-OFF asymmetries, spatial response nonlinearity, and sampling of photoreceptor inputs over space. Putative smooth monostratified cells and polyaxonal amacrine cells were also identified based on similarities to cell types previously identified in macaque retina. The results suggest that recently proposed differences between human and macaque RGCs probably reflect experimental differences, and that the macaque model provides an accurate picture of human RGC function.


