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Study on embryonic and larval developmental stages of Sucker head Garra gotyla (Gray 1830; Teleostei; Cyprinidae)
Zygote ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s0967199419000698
Rabindar Singh Patiyal 1 , Mohammad Iqbal Mir 1 , Nityanand Pandey 1 , M Rajesh 1 , Debajit Sarma 1 , Suresh Chandra 1

SummaryGarra gotyla is an indigenous coldwater fish of the cyprinid family and has wide geographical distribution in India as well as in other countries of Asia and Africa. Induced breeding in G. gotyla was carried out successfully for the first time and an attempt has been made to document developmental stages chronologically from the first minute of fertilization, through all stages of embryonic development until the fifth day post hatching. This experiment was carried out at 22–24°C water temperature at the Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research, Bhimtal, India. During the breeding trial, the fertilization rate was observed as 70–75% and hatching rate was 85–90%. The mature fertilized ova were measured as 0.8–1.0 mm in diameter and the perivitelline membrane became thick soon after fertilization and formation of the germ pole. The periods taken for complete developmental stages were recorded; cleavage stage 111 min (min post fertilization (pf)), blastulation stage 580 min (pf), neurulation and segmentation 1250 min (pf) and hatching was completed after 1420 min. The sac fry was measured as 3 mm in length and took almost 3 days for complete absorption of the yolk content. The major structural and differential changes observed are in head, tail, fins, alimentary canal, rudiments of each organ and appearance of melanophore pigmentation in the whole body. The 5-day-old larvae were measured as 6 mm in length with almost every organ fully differentiated. The present study will be utilized for large-scale production of fingerlings for stock enhancement in rivers, lakes and possibilities of genetic improvement and manipulation at the embryonic stage.


吸盘头Garra gotyla (Gray 1830; Teleostei; Cyprinidae)胚胎和幼虫发育阶段的研究

概括加拉哥提拉是鲤鱼科的本土冷水鱼,在印度以及亚洲和非洲其他国家有广泛的地理分布。诱导育种G 。戈蒂拉首次成功进行,并尝试按时间顺序记录从受精第一分钟到胚胎发育的所有阶段直至孵化后第五天的发育阶段。该实验是在印度比姆塔尔冷水渔业研究局在 22–24°C 水温下进行的。繁殖试验期间,受精率70%~75%,孵化率85%~90%。成熟的受精卵直径为0.8-1.0毫米,受精和胚极形成后卵周膜很快变厚。记录完整发育阶段所需的时间;卵裂阶段 111 分钟(受精后分钟 (pf)),胚芽阶段 580 分钟 (pf),神经形成和分割 1250 分钟 (pf),孵化在 1420 分钟后完成。经测量,囊鱼苗长度为 3 毫米,需要近 3 天的时间才能完全吸收蛋黄内容物。观察到的主要结构和差异变化是头部、尾部、鳍、消化道、每个器官的雏形以及全身黑素细胞色素沉着的出现。 5日龄幼虫测量长度为6毫米,几乎每个器官都完全分化。本研究将用于大规模鱼种生产,用于河流、湖泊的种群增殖以及胚胎阶段遗传改良和操作的可能性。