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Towards cross-cultural environmental Psychology:A state-of-the-art review and recommendations
Journal of Environmental Psychology ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2020.101474
Kim-Pong Tam , Taciano L. Milfont

Abstract Environmental psychology is a field concerned with transactions between humans and their environments. Since human–environment interactions are culture-bound, a fuller understanding of such interactions requires sensitivity to the role of culture in the ways researchers theorize human behavior, conduct empirical studies, and interpret observed findings. In this article, we aim to advance the development of a culturally informed understanding of human–environment interactions, which we refer to as cross-cultural environmental psychology. We first discuss why a cultural perspective is useful. We then survey the field of environmental psychology as indexed by publications in this journal with a complementary set of three bibliometric analyses, which show that the field lacks cultural diversity in both its research participants and its authors, and it is in need of more cross-border, particularly cross-continent, collaborations. We offer a summary of previous cross-cultural studies in terms of how the influence of culture was conceptualized and how cross-cultural data was collected. We also provide resources and recommendations to environmental psychology researchers who are interested in conducting cross-cultural studies. We conclude the article with an illustration of the important principles and recommendations with reference to the articles in this special issue.



摘要 环境心理学是一个关注人与环境之间交易的领域。由于人与环境的相互作用受文化约束,因此,要更全面地了解这种相互作用,就需要对文化在研究人员对人类行为进行理论化、进行实证研究和解释观察到的发现的方式中的作用保持敏感。在本文中,我们旨在促进对人类与环境相互作用的文化了解的发展,我们将其称为跨文化环境心理学。我们首先讨论为什么文化视角是有用的。然后,我们调查了本期刊出版物索引的环境心理学领域,并使用了一组互补的三个文献计量分析,这表明该领域的研究参与者和作者都缺乏文化多样性,需要更多的跨界合作,尤其是跨大陆合作。我们根据文化的影响是如何概念化的以及跨文化数据是如何收集的,对以前的跨文化研究进行了总结。我们还为有兴趣进行跨文化研究的环境心理学研究人员提供资源和建议。我们参考本期特刊中的文章,通过对重要原则和建议的说明来结束文章。我们根据文化的影响是如何概念化的以及跨文化数据是如何收集的,对以前的跨文化研究进行了总结。我们还为有兴趣进行跨文化研究的环境心理学研究人员提供资源和建议。我们参考本期特刊中的文章,通过对重要原则和建议的说明来结束文章。我们根据文化的影响是如何概念化的以及跨文化数据是如何收集的,对以前的跨文化研究进行了总结。我们还为有兴趣进行跨文化研究的环境心理学研究人员提供资源和建议。我们参考本期特刊中的文章,通过对重要原则和建议的说明来结束文章。