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Efficient Use of UAVs for Public Safety in Disaster and Crisis Management
Wireless Personal Communications ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s11277-020-07719-y
Noureddine Mehallegue , Mourad Djellab , Khaled Loukhaoukha

In the case of crisis and disaster situations, Public Safety Organization (PSO) experience situations where most of the telecommunication infrastructure becomes unavailable or not reliable. Thus, an effective disaster assessment of the situation becomes a challenging task for the PSO. UAV is considered as the most suitable solution to address these scenarios where a maximal radio coverage of the target area is crucial. In this work, a square area is considered which mathematical approximation to ensure a maximal coverage based on “covering a square with equal circles” is investigated. The proposed approach outperforms the existing ones as it reduces effectively the total difference delay time to cover the target area. Furthermore, it allows time-saving to achieve more stops at the target area compared to existing schemes leading to better PSO activity performance.



