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Demonstrating a reduced capacity for removal of fluid from cerebral white matter and hypoxia in areas of white matter hyperintensity associated with age and dementia.
Acta Neuropathologica Communications ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-08 , DOI: 10.1186/s40478-020-01009-1
Matthew MacGregor Sharp 1 , Satoshi Saito 1 , Abby Keable 1 , Maureen Gatherer 1 , Roxana Aldea 1, 2 , Nivedita Agarwal 3 , Julie E Simpson 4 , Stephen B Wharton 4 , Roy O Weller 1 , Roxana O Carare 1

White matter hyperintensities (WMH) occur in association with dementia but the aetiology is unclear. Here we test the hypothesis that there is a combination of impaired elimination of interstitial fluid from the white matter together with a degree of hypoxia in WMH. One of the mechanisms for the elimination of amyloid-β (Aβ) from the brain is along the basement membranes in the walls of capillaries and arteries (Intramural Peri-Arterial Drainage – IPAD). We compared the dynamics of IPAD in the grey matter of the hippocampus and in the white matter of the corpus callosum in 10 week old C57/B16 mice by injecting soluble Aβ as a tracer. The dynamics of IPAD in the white matter were significantly slower compared with the grey matter and this was associated with a lower density of capillaries in the white matter. Exposing cultures of smooth muscle cells to hypercapnia as a model of cerebral hypoperfusion resulted in a reduction in fibronectin and an increase in laminin in the extracellular matrix. Similar changes were detected in the white matter in human WMH suggesting that hypercapnia/hypoxia may play a role in WMH. Employing therapies to enhance both IPAD and blood flow in the white matter may reduce WMH in patients with dementia.



白质过高症(WMH)与痴呆症有关,但病因尚不清楚。在这里,我们测试了以下假设:WMH中白质中的组织液清除能力降低以及缺氧程度相结合。从大脑中消除淀粉样β(Aβ)的机制之一是沿着毛细血管和动脉壁的基底膜(壁内动脉周围引流– IPAD)。我们通过注射可溶性Aβ作为示踪剂,比较了10周龄C57 / B16小鼠海马灰质和call体白质IPAD的动力学。与灰质相比,白质中IPAD的动力学要慢得多,这与白质中较低的毛细管密度有关。将平滑肌细胞培养物暴露于高碳酸血症作为脑灌注不足的模型,导致纤连蛋白减少,而细胞外基质中层粘连蛋白增加。在人类WMH中的白质中检测到类似的变化,提示高碳酸血症/低氧可能在WMH中起作用。在痴呆症患者中采用增加IPAD和白质血流量的疗法可能会降低WMH。