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Assessment of continuous and alternating CO 2 injection under Brazilian-pre-salt-like conditions
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s13202-020-00968-4
R. O. Lima , A. de L. Cunha , J. A. O. Santos , A. J. V. Garcia , J. P. L. dos Santos

Carbonate rocks have become very important in Brazil with pre-salt reservoir discoveries in Santos and Campos Basins. Since then, great efforts in research and technology have been made to characterize and develop these reservoirs. In this sense, outcrop analogue studies have become a powerful tool for helping the recognition of geological heterogeneities responsible for controlling the fluid flow in hydrocarbon reservoirs. Besides that, pre-salt oil recovery is associated with high carbon dioxide (CO2) production, and due environmental issues, it is required a sustainable destination for this contaminant. CO2 injection in the reservoir, either pure or mixed to the produced gas stream, could be a good manner to deal with this undesirable component and increase the oil recovery. This work uses outcrop analogue characterization to understand how carbonate reservoir characteristics impact the selection of the best recovery strategy under Brazilian-pre-salt-like conditions. Numerical simulation models were run using the flow simulator TEMPEST MORE (version 7.1) with isothermal compositional modeling. The oil recovery process was modeled by continuous and alternating injection of CO2 and water. The recovered oil fractions for the simulation case with water alternating CO2 injection were higher than with the use of continuous injection of CO2 or water.


在巴西盐下样条件下连续和交替注入CO 2的评估

在巴西的桑托斯和坎波斯盆地,盐岩储层的发现已经使碳酸盐岩变得非常重要。从那时起,人们在研究和技术方面做出了巨大的努力来表征和开发这些油藏。从这个意义上讲,露头类比研究已经成为帮助识别负责控制油气藏流体流动的地质异质性的有力工具。除此之外,盐前油的回收还与高二氧化碳(CO 2)的生产有关,并且由于环境问题,它是该污染物的可持续发展目的地。一氧化碳2注入油层中,无论是纯净的还是混合到采出的气流中,都是处理这种不良成分并提高石油采收率的好方法。这项工作使用露头类比特征来了解碳酸盐岩储层特征如何影响巴西类似盐酸盐前条件下最佳采收策略的选择。使用具有等温成分建模的流量模拟器TEMPEST MORE(7.1版)运行数值模拟模型。通过连续和交替注入CO 2和水来模拟采油过程。在模拟情况下,用水交替注入CO 2的情况下,采出的石油馏分要高于连续注入CO 2或水的情况。