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A 2-D Simplified Memory Polynomial Model for Concurrent Dual-Band Power Amplifiers
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1109/lmwc.2020.3003002
Jianfeng Zhai , Qiang Zhang , Jie Niu , Lei Zhang , Zhiqiang Yu , Jianyi Zhou , Chao Yu

A 2-D simplified memory polynomial (2D-SMP) model is proposed for concurrent dual-band power amplifiers (PAs) in this letter. The derivation of the proposed model is similar to that of the 2-D modified memory polynomial (2D-MMP) model. The 2D-SMP model consists of an in-band part and a cross-band modulation part without the envelope factors, which exist in the 2D-MMP model. Theoretical analysis shows that it has moderate complexity but higher modeling accuracy than the 2D-MMP model. The simple least square algorithm can be used to extract the model coefficients, and the additional binary search algorithm for the best envelope factor is not needed. The experimental results show that the 2D-SMP model can achieve higher model accuracy and better digital predistortion (DPD) performance than the 2D-MMP model when a dual-band PA is excited by a combined dual-band long-term evolution signal.



在这封信中,提出了用于并发双频功率放大器 (PA) 的二维简化记忆多项式 (2D-SMP) 模型。所提出模型的推导类似于二维修正记忆多项式(2D-MMP)模型的推导。2D-SMP 模型由带内部分和跨带调制部分组成,没有 2D-MMP 模型中存在的包络因子。理论分析表明,与2D-MMP模型相比,该模型复杂度适中,但建模精度更高。可以使用简单的最小二乘算法来提取模型系数,不需要额外的最佳包络因子的二分搜索算法。