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Effects of Animal, Climatic, Hunting and Handling Conditions on the Hygienic Characteristics of Hunted Roe Doer (Caprelous capreolus L.).
Foods ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-07 , DOI: 10.3390/foods9081076
Raffaella Branciari 1 , Andrea Onofri 2 , Fausto Cambiotti 3 , David Ranucci 1

The population of wild animals is increasing, and control strategies based on selective hunting are among the major options adopted. The game meat obtained is therefore available for controlled and certified valuable chains. The understanding of carcass contamination and the factors affecting it is therefore crucial to ensure meat safety and prolonged shelf-life. The carcass hygiene of 64 hunted wild male roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) was evaluated in relation to factors potentially affecting it. Aerobic colony and Enterobacteriaceae counts, as well as Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes detection, were performed. The interaction of the microbial determination with age and weight of the animals, the climate conditions, the shooting procedure, the time between the killing and the evisceration as well as the time of storage of the carcasses in refrigerated conditions before skinning, were evaluated. Neither Salmonella spp. nor Listeria monocytogenes were detected on the carcasses and the average loads detected were 3.39 ± 1.06 UFC/cm2 and 2.27± 1.11 UFC/cm2 for the aerobic colony count and Enterobacteriaceae count, respectively. The loads detected are similar to those reported by UE legislation for slaughtered species. The time of storage before skinning, the environmental temperature during hunting and the time between shooting and evisceration, associated with animal weight, affect the carcass hygiene and must be taken into careful consideration by hunters as food business operators.


动物、气候、狩猎和处理条件对被猎杀的狍子 (Caprelous capreolus L.) 卫生特征的影响。

野生动物的数量不断增加,基于选择性狩猎的控制策略是采取的主要选择之一。因此,获得的野味可用于受控和经过认证的有价值的连锁店。因此,了解胴体污染及其影响因素对于确保肉类安全和延长保质期至关重要。对 64 只被猎杀的野生雄性狍 ( Capreolus capreolus L.) 的尸体卫生状况进行了评估,并探讨了可能影响其的因素。需氧菌落和肠杆菌科细菌以及沙门氏菌计数。并进行了单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌检测。评估了微生物测定与动物年龄和体重、气候条件、射击程序、宰杀和取出内脏之间的时间以及剥皮前尸体在冷藏条件下的储存时间的相互作用。沙门氏菌属都没有。在屠体上也没有检测到单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌,并且检测到的需氧菌落计数和肠杆菌科计数的平均负荷分别为3.39±1.06 UFC/cm 2和2.27±1.11 UFC/cm 2 。检测到的负载与 UE 立法针对屠宰物种报告的负载相似。剥皮前的储存时间、狩猎期间的环境温度以及射击和取出内脏之间的时间,与动物的重量有关,都会影响屠体的卫生,作为食品经营者的猎人必须仔细考虑。