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Single Tests of Thermocline Dwelling Foraminifera Globorotalia inflata as Recorder of Upper Water Column Structure off Mauritania (NW Africa): Methodology and Paleoceanographic Use
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-25 , DOI: 10.1029/2019pa003844
Heather J. H. Johnstone 1 , Henning Kuhnert 1 , Torsten Bickert 1 , Oscar Romero 1 , Heiko Pälike 1

Thermocline‐dwelling foraminifera calcify over a depth range of several hundred meters; analysis of individual shells therefore allows insight to the hydrography of the upper water column. We analyzed δ18O, δ13C, and Mg/Ca of individual tests of the planktonic foraminifera Globorotalia inflata from a sediment core (GeoB7926‐2) obtained from 20°N in the eastern tropical Atlantic. To facilitate sample throughput, tests were cleaned before Mg/Ca analysis using a pipette robot. The eight samples came from five time periods with contrasting climate states. Median reconstructed temperatures were lowest during the warmth of the Bølling Allerød BA) (11.8°C), while highest temperatures (>14°C) were recorded during the cold periods of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), late Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), and the Younger Dryas (YD). Southward shift in the subtropical gyre during Northern Hemisphere cold periods and modulation by upwelling could explain the temperature change but not all of the salinity change. δ18Oseawater‐IVC indicated that salinity was higher than the global average during the LGM, with very high salinity excursions in HS1 and a smaller excursion in the YD. The upwelling signature was most strongly imprinted on range in δ13C. The large changes in salinity and δ13C between time slices cannot be explained by upwelling intensity but indicate the presence of a very saline water mass, with low δ13C, in the eastern North Atlantic subsurface during Northern Hemisphere cold periods.



居住在有温层的有孔虫钙化深度达数百米。因此,通过对各个壳体的分析,可以洞悉上部水柱的水文学。我们分析了δ 18 O,δ 13 C,和的浮游有孔虫单独测试的镁/钙Globorotalia胀来自东部热带大西洋20°N的沉积岩心(GeoB7926-2)。为了提高样品通量,在使用移液器机器人进行Mg / Ca分析之前先清洁测试。八个样本来自五个时段,气候状态截然不同。在BöllingAllerødBA的温暖期间(11​​.8°C)最低重建温度,而在上一次冰期最高(LGM)的寒冷时期,Heinrich Stadial 1(HS1)后期则记录到最高温度(> 14°C)。 )和年轻树妖(YD)。北半球寒冷时期亚热带回旋的南移和上升流的调节可以解释温度的变化,但不能解释所有盐度的变化。δ 18 ö海水-IVC指出,在LGM期间盐度高于全球平均水平,HS1的盐度偏移非常高,而YD的偏移较小。上涌的签名是最强烈印在范围中δ 13 C.在盐度的大的变化,Δ 13时间片之间C不能由上涌强度来解释,但表明了非常盐水质量的存在下,具有低δ 13 C,在北半球寒冷时期的北大西洋东部地下。