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Long-Time Behavior of Non-Autonomous FitzHugh–Nagumo Lattice Systems
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s12346-020-00414-0
Rania T. Wannan , Ahmed Y. Abdallah

In Abdallah (J Appl Math 3: 273–288, 2005), Boughoufala and Abdallah (Disc Cont Dyn Ays B), Li and Wang (J Math Anal Appl 325: 141–156, 2007), Vleck and Wang (Physica D 212: 317–336, 2005), Wang (Int J Bifurcation Chaos 17: 1673–1685, 2007) the existence of global attractors for autonomous and non-autonomous deterministic FitzHugh–Nagumo lattice dynamical systems (LDSs) with nonlinear parts of the form \(G_{i}\left( u_{i}\right) \) have been studied. Here the existence of the uniform global attractor for such non-autonomous systems with nonlinear parts of the form \(G_{i}\left( u_{k}\mid k\in I_{iq}\right) \) is carefully investigated, where such nonlinear parts present the main difficulty of this work.



在Abdallah(J Appl Math 3:273–288,2005),Boughoufala和Abdallah(Disc Cont Dyn Ays B),Li和Wang(J Math Anal Appl 325:141–156,2007),Vleck和Wang(Physica D 212) :317–336,2005),Wang(Int J Bifurcation Chaos 17:1673–1685,2007)存在具有形式为非线性部分的自治和非自治确定性FitzHugh-Nagumo晶格动力学系统(LDSs)的全局吸引子。 (G_ {i} \ left(u_ {i} \ right)\)已被研究。在此,我们仔细研究了这类非自治系统的统一全局吸引子的存在,这些系统具有形式为\(G_ {i} \ left(u_ {k} \ mid k \ in I_ {iq} \ right)\)的非线性部分,这些非线性部分是这项工作的主要困难。