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Comparative social demography, livelihood diversification and land tenure among the Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania
Pastoralism ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.1186/s13570-020-00165-2
David K. Nkedianye , Joseph O. Ogutu , Mohammed Y. Said , Shem C. Kifugo , Jan de Leeuw , Paul Van Gardingen , Robin S. Reid

We analyse social demography, livelihood diversification and land tenure among the Maasai people inhabiting Kenya (three sites) and Tanzania (one site) with contrasting land tenure policies. In Kenya, land was communally owned in the rural Amboseli, fully privatized in the peri-urban Kitengela in Athi-Kaputiei and partially privatized and communally owned in the rural Maasai Mara. In Tanzania, the government owned the land but granted user rights to local villages in rural Simanjiro in Tarangire-Manyara. We interviewed 100 households per site from May to July 2006. There were regional distinctions in social demography, livelihood diversification, hiring herding labour and settlement arrangements, portraying differential transition away from traditional pastoral Maasai society. The transition is most advanced in Kitengela located near Nairobi City, where privatization of land tenure in the 1980s triggered land sub-division, unprecedented land fragmentation and large-scale collapse of the commons, pastoralism and conservation. Land privatization and sub-division in Maasai Mara and Amboseli started in 2000s and were followed similarly by unprecedented fragmentation through fences and accelerated collapse of the commons, pastoralism and conservation, except where wildlife conservancies were later established. We found several differences at the household, regional and national levels. The average age of household heads was lower in Maasai Mara and Amboseli than in Kitengela and Simanjiro. The average number of wives per male household head was lowest in Kitengela, intermediate in Mara and Amboseli and highest in Simanjiro. Correspondingly, the mean number of children per family was lowest in Kitengela, intermediate in Mara and Amboseli and highest in Simanjiro. Household heads were more educated closer to urban centres. Household heads without formal education were thus most common in Amboseli, intermediate in Mara and Simanjiro and fewest in Kitengela. Livelihood diversification was marked in all the sites. Notably, cultivation was widespread and most of those interviewed were interested in crop cultivation. The average number of acres cultivated per household was far higher in Simanjiro than in all the other sites. The mean number of hired herders per household was higher in Kitengela, with the highest number of children enrolled in schools, than in the Mara, Amboseli or Simanjiro. The average number of households per settlement was highest in the Mara, intermediate in Amboseli and Simanjiro and lowest in Kitengela. The marked regional variation in social demography, livelihood diversification and land tenurial arrangements reflects underlying variation in proximity to urban centres, agro-climatological and national developmental and policy environments.



我们分析了居住在肯尼亚(三个地点)和坦桑尼亚(一个地点)的马赛人的社会人口统计学,生计多样化和土地使用权,并采用了不同的土地使用权政策。在肯尼亚,土地由安博塞利乡村共同拥有,在阿蒂-卡普蒂(Athi-Kaputiei)的郊区Kitengela完全私有化,在马赛马拉乡村由部分私有化和共同拥有。在坦桑尼亚,政府拥有土地,但向塔兰吉雷-曼雅拉(Tangiremany-Manyara)的西曼吉罗(Simanjiro)农村地区的当地村庄授予使用权。我们从2006年5月至2006年7月在每个地点采访了100户家庭。社会人口统计学,生计多样化,雇用牧民和定居安排方面存在地区差异,描绘了从传统牧民马赛人社会过渡的差异。内罗毕市附近的Kitengela过渡最为先进,在1980年代,土地保有权私有化引发了土地分割,史无前例的土地分割以及公地的大规模瓦解,放牧和保护。马赛马拉和安博塞利的土地私有化和细分始于2000年代,随后类似的情况是,栅栏前所未有的支离破碎,公地,畜牧业和自然保护的加速崩溃,除非后来建立了野生动物保护区。我们发现在家庭,地区和国家各级存在一些差异。马赛马拉(Marasai Mara)和安博塞利(Amboseli)的户主平均年龄低于基滕加拉(Kitengela)和西曼吉罗(Simanjiro)。基滕特拉的平均每个男性户主的妻子人数最低,马拉和安博塞利的中等,而西曼吉罗的最高。相应地,每个家庭的平均子女数在基滕加拉最低,在马拉和安博塞利中等,在西曼吉罗最高。在靠近市中心的地方,户主的教育程度更高。因此,未经正规教育的户主在安博塞利最常见,在马拉和西曼吉罗中等,而在基滕格拉则最少。在所有地点都标志着民生多样化。值得注意的是,耕种很普遍,大多数受访者对农作物的种植感兴趣。西曼吉罗(Simanjiro)的每户平均耕地数量远远高于其他所有土地。基廷格拉(Kitengela)每户平均录用牧民人数高于马拉(Mara),安博塞利(Amboseli)或西曼吉罗(Simanjiro),每所学校的平均入学人数最多。马拉地区每个定居点的平均家庭数量最高,在安博塞利(Amboseli)和西曼吉罗(Simanjiro)中处于中等水平,在基滕格拉(Kitengela)中处于最低水平。社会人口,生计多样化和土地所有权安排方面的显着区域差异反映了靠近城市中心,农业气候和国家发展及政策环境的根本差异。