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The Application of Single-Cell RNA Sequencing in Vaccinology.
Journal of Immunology Research ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/8624963
Andrés Noé 1 , Tamsin N Cargill 2, 3 , Carolyn M Nielsen 1 , Andrew J C Russell 4 , Eleanor Barnes 2, 3

Single-cell RNA sequencing allows highly detailed profiling of cellular immune responses from limited-volume samples, advancing prospects of a new era of systems immunology. The power of single-cell RNA sequencing offers various opportunities to decipher the immune response to infectious diseases and vaccines. Here, we describe the potential uses of single-cell RNA sequencing methods in prophylactic vaccine development, concentrating on infectious diseases including COVID-19. Using examples from several diseases, we review how single-cell RNA sequencing has been used to evaluate the immunological response to different vaccine platforms and regimens. By highlighting published and unpublished single-cell RNA sequencing studies relevant to vaccinology, we discuss some general considerations how the field could be enriched with the widespread adoption of this technology.


