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Thiamine as a Modifying Factor for Alcohol-Related Intracranial Haemorrhage.
Alcohol and Alcoholism ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agaa077
Rahul Rao 1 , Raunak Rao 2

In their article, Peng et al., (2020) suggest a number of putative mechanisms for the association between chronic alcohol abuse and intracranial haemorrhage. These include increased sympathetic nervous system activity and oxidative stress mediated by hypertension. Cerebral small vessel rupture from uncontrolled high blood pressure may be further compounded by clotting dysfunction from liver disease, disruption of blood brain barrier integrity and neuroinflammation. Chronic alcohol abuse is also associated with other disorders whose pathological substrate includes intracerebral haemorrhage—with Wernicke’s encephalopathy from thiamine deficiency representing the most common neuropsychiatric entity. Although such intracranial haemorrhage is mostly petechial in nature, larger lesions have also been documented.



在他们的文章中,Peng等人(2020) 提出了许多假定的慢性酒精滥用与颅内出血之间关联的机制。这些包括增加的交感神经系统活动和由高血压介导的氧化应激。不受控制的高血压导致的脑小血管破裂可能会因肝病导致的凝血功能障碍、血脑屏障完整性的破坏和神经炎症而进一步加剧。慢性酒精滥用还与其他疾病有关,这些疾病的病理基础包括脑内出血——硫胺素缺乏导致的韦尼克脑病是最常见的神经精神疾病。虽然这种颅内出血本质上主要是点状出血,但也有较大的病变被记录在案。