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Marine and terrestrial invertebrate borings and fungal damage in Paleogene fossil woods from Seymour Island, Antarctica
GFF ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/11035897.2020.1781245
Stephen McLoughlin 1

ABSTRACT An assemblage of permineralized conifer and angiosperm woods collected from Paleogene marine strata on Seymour Island during the Swedish Antarctic expedition of 1901–1903 includes many specimens with internal damage caused by an array of xylophagous organisms. Short, broad, clavate borings referable to Gastrochaenolites clavatus are attributed to pholadid bivalves. Elongate borings with carbonate linings referable to Apectoichnus longissimus were produced by teredinid bivalves. Slender, cylindrical tunnels cross-cutting growth rings and backfilled in meniscoid fashion by frass composed of angular tracheid fragments were probably produced by a terrestrial beetle borer. They are most similar to tunnels generated by modern cerambycid and ptinid coleopterans. Less regular, spindle-shaped cavities and degraded zones flanking growth rings are similar to fungi-generated modern white pocket rot. Larger chambers in the heartwood referable to the ichnotaxon Asthenopodichnium lignorum were produced by an alternative mode of fungal degradation. The biological interactions evident in the fossil woods illustrate additional terrestrial trophic levels enhancing the known complexity of ecosystems on and around the Antarctic Peninsula shortly before the initial pulse of mid-Cenozoic glaciation in Antarctica that caused extirpation of the majority of plants and animals in that region.



摘要 1901 年至 1903 年瑞典南极考察期间,从西摩岛的古近纪海洋地层中收集的一组透矿化针叶树和被子植物木材,包括许多由一系列食木生物造成的内部损坏的标本。可归于 Gastrochaenolites clavatus 的短、宽、棒状钻孔归因于 pholadid 双壳类动物。长长的带有碳酸盐衬里的钻孔与 Apetoichnus longissimus 相关,是由双壳类双壳类动物生产的。细长的圆柱形隧道横切年轮并由角形管胞碎片组成的碎屑以半月板形式回填,可能是由陆地甲虫蛀虫产生的。它们与现代天牛和鞘翅目鞘翅目产生的隧道最相似。不那么规律,生长轮两侧的纺锤形空腔和退化区类似于真菌产生的现代白腐病。与 ichnotaxon Asthenopodichnium lignorum 有关的心材中较大的腔室是通过另一种真菌降解模式产生的。化石林中明显的生物相互作用表明,在南极洲中新生代冰川初始脉动导致该地区大多数动植物灭绝之前不久,额外的陆地营养水平增强了南极半岛及其周围生态系统的已知复杂性.