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Exploring the Participation Patterns and Impact of Environment in Preschool Children with ASD.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ( IF 4.614 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17165677
Ghaidaa Khalifa 1 , Peter Rosenbaum 2, 3 , Kathy Georgiades 4 , Eric Duku 4 , Briano Di Rezze 1, 3

Participation in everyday activities at home and in the community is essential for children’s development and well-being. Limited information exists about participation patterns of preschool children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study examines these participation patterns in both the home and community, and the extent to which environmental factors and social communication abilities are associated with participation. Fifty-four parents of preschool-aged children with ASD completed the Participation and Environment Measure for Young Children and the Autism Classification System of Functioning: Social Communication. The children had a mean age of 48.9 (8.4) months. Patterns of participation were studied using descriptive statistics, radar graphs, and Spearman correlations. Children with ASD participated in a variety of activities at home and in the community, but showed a higher participation frequency at home. Parents identified different barriers (e.g., social demands) and supports (e.g., attitudes) in both settings. There was a moderate positive association between children’s social communication abilities and their levels of involvement during participation and the diversity of activities. This study highlights the importance of social communication abilities in the participation of preschool children with ASD, and the need to support parents while they work to improve their child’s participation, especially within their communities.


