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Introduction to Editorial Board Member: Professor W. Mark Saltzman
Bioengineering & Translational Medicine ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-29 , DOI: 10.1002/btm2.10174
Steven M. Jay 1

In this issue of Bioengineering and Translational Medicine, we are pleased to introduce our Editorial Board Member, Professor W. Mark Saltzman. Professor Saltzman is the Goizueta Foundation Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, and Physiology at Yale University. Professor Saltzman received his BS in chemical engineering from Iowa State University before earning a SM in chemical engineering and a PhD in medical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Professor Saltzman's research has been formative in the fields of controlled drug delivery and tissue engineering. As a trainee in the laboratory of Professor Robert Langer at MIT, Professor Saltzman participated in some of the very earliest work in utilizing polymer scaffolds for cell transplantation with Dr Joseph Vacanti.1 Following the establishment of his independent lab, first at Johns Hopkins University and later at Cornell and Yale Universities, Professor Saltzman extended the knowledge of the field on the interaction of cells with polymer and hydrogel matrices. In particular, his work applied engineering principles to understand cell mobility and migration within implantable matrices,2-4 establishing a basis for quantitative design of engineered tissues. Another major focus has been the integration of drug delivery into tissue engineering and cell transplantation approaches.5 Long‐standing collaborations with Professor Jordan Pober and others at the Yale School of Medicine have explored how controlled delivery approaches can enhance vascular tissue repair and regeneration outcomes (Figure 1).6-10

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Professor Saltzman addresses the audience at a dinner celebration in 2019 as part of a research symposium on the occasion of his birthday. Photo credit: Jennifer Saucier‐Sawyer

Professor Saltzman is recognized as a pioneer in quantifying and modeling the transport of macromolecules through synthetic polymers and biological matrices,11, 12 having applied this work in particular to female reproductive health applications13, 14 and to the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases and brain cancer.15, 16 His early career work in this area was recognized with the Allan C. Davis Medal as Maryland's Outstanding Young Engineer (1995) and the Controlled Release Society's Young Investigator Award (1996). Professor Saltzman's research group has proceeded to make numerous fundamental discoveries about how drug carriers interact with cells,17-19 which have informed the development of innovative delivery systems for small molecules, proteins, and nucleic acids.20-23 Several of these efforts have moved beyond the lab towards clinical translation, and Professor Saltzman was recognized as a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors in 2013.

In addition to his research excellence, Professor Saltzman is passionate about education and has left an indelible mark in this area as well. He has contributed to the emergence of the academic field of biomedical engineering by authoring three original textbooks24-26 and an online course, all of which have been used by numerous instructors and students at institutions across the world. Professor Saltzman has also served as Head of Jonathan Edwards College, one of 14 residential colleges at Yale, where he lives in residence with students and serves as a mentor in all areas of student life. Professor Saltzman's education contributions have been recognized by the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Teacher‐Scholar Award (1990) and Yale's Sheffield Teaching Prize for excellence in the classroom (2009) (Figure 2).

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Professor Saltzman's research group in ∼2007 (left) and 2020 (right). Photo credit: Mark Saltzman

Over the past 30+ years, Professor Saltzman's contributions as a researcher, educator, and mentor have been immense. He has supervised the research work of over 43 PhD students and 27 postdoctoral researchers who now populate the academic and industry landscape and contribute to his legacy of fundamental discovery and translation in bioengineering. His overall excellence has been recognized via election as Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (1997), Fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society (2010), member of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine (2014), and member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (2018). Moreover, Professor Saltzman has set a standard for supportive mentorship that has created a family‐like network among his trainees. He is always available for advice and support, even for those who have long ago left his group, no matter how many other demands on his time there may be. On behalf of his current and former trainees, I express my appreciation and gratitude to Mark for sharing his scientific journey with us and helping to shape our own through his insight and guidance.


编辑委员会成员简介:W. Mark Saltzman教授

在本期《生物工程与转化医学》杂志中,我们很高兴介绍我们的编辑委员会成员W. Mark Saltzman教授。萨尔茨曼教授是耶鲁大学生物医学工程,化学与环境工程和生理学的Goizueta基金会教授。Saltzman教授从爱荷华州立大学获得化学工程学士学位,然后在麻省理工学院(MIT)获得化学工程专业硕士学位和医学工程博士学位。

萨尔茨曼教授的研究在受控药物输送和组织工程领域中具有开创性。作为麻省理工学院罗伯特·兰格教授实验室的受训者,萨尔茨曼教授与约瑟夫·瓦坎蒂博士一起参与了一些最早的利用聚合物支架进行细胞移植的工作。1在首先在约翰·霍普金斯大学,后来在康奈尔大学和耶鲁大学建立了独立实验室之后,萨尔茨曼教授扩展了细胞与聚合物和水凝胶基质相互作用的领域知识。特别是,他的工作运用工程原理来了解植入式基质中的细胞迁移和迁移,2-4为工程组织的定量设计奠定基础。另一个主要重点是将药物递送整合到组织工程和细胞移植方法中。5与耶鲁大学医学院的Jordan Pober教授和其他人的长期合作,探索了受控递送方法如何增强血管组织修复和再生结果(图1)。6-10

Saltzman教授在他生日那天作为研究座谈会的一部分,在2019年的晚宴庆典上向观众致辞。图片来源:Jennifer Saucier-Sawyer

Saltzman教授是量化和建模大分子通过合成聚合物和生物基质运输的公认先驱,11、12尤其将这项工作应用于女性生殖健康应用13、14以及神经退行性疾病和脑癌的治疗。15,16,16他在该领域的早期职业生涯被艾伦·戴维斯奖章(Allan C. Davis Medal)评为马里兰州杰出青年工程师(1995)和控制释放协会的青年研究者奖(1996)。萨尔茨曼教授的研究小组已进行了许多关于药物载体如何与细胞相互作用的基本发现,17-19这为小分子,蛋白质和核酸的创新性递送系统的开发提供了信息。20-23这些努力中的一些已经超出了实验室的范围,转向临床翻译,萨尔茨曼教授于2013年被公认为美国国家发明家学会会员。

除了出色的研究成果,萨尔茨曼教授还对教育充满热情,并且在这一领域也留下了不可磨灭的烙印。他通过撰写三本原始教科书24-26为生物医学工程学领域的兴起做出了贡献以及在线课程,全球机构的众多讲师和学生都在使用这些课程。萨尔茨曼教授还曾担任耶鲁大学14所住宿学院之一的乔纳森·爱德华兹学院(Jonathan Edwards College)的校长,在那里他与学生一起居住,并在学生生活的所有领域担任导师。萨尔茨曼教授的教育贡献获得卡米尔(Camille)和亨利·德雷福斯(Henry Dreyfus)基金会教师奖学金(1990)和耶鲁大学谢菲尔德教学奖(2009)的嘉奖(图2)。

Saltzman教授的研究小组在2007年(左)和2020年(右)。图片来源:Mark Saltzman

