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Winter Versus Summer Habitat Selection in a Threatened Ground Squirrel
Journal of Wildlife Management ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21936
Amanda R. Goldberg 1 , Courtney J. Conway 2 , Diane Evans Mack 3 , Greg Burak 4

Hibernation is a strategy many species employ to survive periods of thermal stress or resource shortage (e.g., harsh thermal conditions, food limitations) and habitat requirements of hibernating species may differ between summer (the active season) and winter (during hibernation). Accounting for seasonal differences in habitat affinities will help ensure that management actions are more beneficial and land‐use policies are more appropriate. The northern Idaho ground squirrel (Urocitellus brunneus) is a federally listed threatened species that is in decline and hibernates for approximately 8 months per year. We collared northern Idaho ground squirrels in Adams County, Idaho from 2013–2017. The majority of northern Idaho ground squirrels we collared selected hibernacula outside of the areas they used during the active season. Furthermore, habitat features of hibernacula locations differed from habitat features of active‐season areas. Hibernacula locations had greater canopy closure compared to active‐season locations (36.9% and 7.0% canopy closure, respectively) and hibernaculum habitat features (particularly distance to nearest log) influenced overwinter survival. Our results suggest that recovery efforts for northern Idaho ground squirrels should include protection and management for the full range of habitat conditions used throughout summer and winter. More broadly, we emphasize the need to identify and protect habitat during all seasons because habitat requirements can differ substantially during different portions of an animal's annual cycle and effective conservation will require management of year‐round habitat needs. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.



冬眠是一种策略,许多物种都可以度过难关,以度过高温或资源短缺的时期(例如,恶劣的热条件,食物限制),冬夏(活动季节)和冬季(冬眠期间)的冬眠物种栖息地要求可能会有所不同。对栖息地亲和力的季节性差异进行核算将有助于确保管理措施更有利,土地使用政策更合适。爱达荷州北部的松鼠(Urocitellus brunneus)是联邦政府列出的濒危物种,每年处于下降状态并休眠约8个月。2013年至2017年,我们在爱达荷州亚当斯县为爱达荷州北部的松鼠圈了衣领。我们在爱达荷州北部的大多数地松鼠在活动季节使用的地区以外的地方给它们选择了冬眠。此外,冬眠地点的生境特征与活动季节地区的生境特征不同。与活动季节位置相比,冬眠位置的冠层封闭性更高(分别为36.9%和7.0%),冬眠物种的栖息地特征(尤其是距离最近的原木的距离)影响了越冬的存活。我们的结果表明,爱达荷州北部松鼠的恢复工作应包括在整个夏季和冬季使用的所有栖息地条件的保护和管理。从更广泛的意义上讲,我们强调必须在所有季节都对栖息地进行识别和保护,因为在动物的年周期的不同部分,栖息地的需求可能存在很大差异,而有效的保护则需要对全年栖息地的需求进行管理。©2020野生动物协会。