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Anisakiasis and Anisakis: An underdiagnosed emerging disease and its main etiological agents.
Research in Veterinary Science ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2020.08.003
Francisco Javier Adroher-Auroux 1 , Rocío Benítez-Rodríguez 1

Anisakiasis or anisakiosis is a human parasitic infection caused by the third-stage larvae (L3) of nematodes of the genus Anisakis, although the term is also used in medical literature for the much less frequent (<3% of cases) infection by L3 of other genera of anisakids, particularly Pseudoterranova. These parasites have a marine lifecycle. Humans are infected by the L3 through ingesting of fish and squid, the intermediate/paratenic hosts. The live larvae generally penetrate the wall of the stomach or intestine causing, among other symptoms, intense pain or allergic symptoms. These are emerging, cosmopolite illnesses. Diagnosis and treatment is usually by endoscopy and extraction and identification of the larvae. Allergic forms are usually diagnosed by prick-test and/or allergen-specific IgE detection and treated with a suitable anti-allergy treatment. The patient is also warned against further consumption of marine fish or squid, as these may be infected with Anisakis. The most common method of prevention is thermal treatment of the entire fish or squid prior to consumption (>60 °C, >1 min or − 20 °C, >24 h). Useful measures for the control of anisakiasis would be to establish a national register of cases, to initiate educational campaigns for the general public and consciousness-raising and training campaigns for health professionals. These would be complemented by control measures for the relevant sectors of the economy: fish operators, fish farming, fishermen, fishmongers, fish industry and catering facilities. Possible genetic predisposition for allergy to Anisakis and the possible relationship between anisakiasis and cancer would also require further investigation.



Anisakiasis或anisakiosis是人的寄生虫感染,是由Anisakis属线虫的第三阶段幼虫(L3)引起的,尽管该术语在医学文献中也用于L3的L3感染的发生率较低(<3%的情况)。 anisakids的其他属,尤其是Pseudoterranova。这些寄生虫具有海洋生命周期。人类通过摄入鱼类和鱿鱼(中间/半寄生虫宿主)而感染了L3病毒。活幼虫通常会穿透胃壁或肠壁,引起其他症状,包括剧烈疼痛或过敏症状。这些是新兴的世界性疾病。诊断和治疗通常通过内窥镜检查以及幼虫的提取和鉴定。过敏形式通常通过点刺试验和/或过敏原特异性IgE检测来诊断,并用适当的抗过敏治疗进行治疗。还警告患者不要进一步食用海鱼或鱿鱼,因为它们可能已感染茴香木。最常见的预防方法是在食用前对整条鱼或鱿鱼进行热处理(> 60°C,> 1分钟或− 20°C,> 24小时)。控制茴香病的有用措施将是建立国家病例登记册,开展面向普通大众的教育运动,以及面向卫生专业人员的意识提高和培训运动。这些将辅之以针对经济相关部门的控制措施:鱼类经营者,养鱼业,渔民,鱼贩,鱼业和餐饮设施。对Anisakis过敏的可能的遗传易感性以及Anisakiasis与癌症之间的可能关系也需要进一步研究。
