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A taxonomic review of the branchial fish parasitic genus Elthusa Schioedte & Meinert, 1884 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae) from Indian waters, with the description of three new species
Marine Biodiversity ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s12526-020-01084-6
Panakkool Thamban Aneesh , Ameri Kottarathil Helna , Appukuttannair Biju Kumar , Jean-Paul Trilles

The genus Elthusa Schioedte & Meinert, 1884 from Indian waters is reviewed and three new species are described from India. A revised generic diagnosis is provided based on the type species and 13 species of Elthusa are regarded as Elthusa incertae sedis. Female stages of Elthusa fistularia sp. nov. collected from Fistularia petimba Lacepède,1803 and Elthusa pseudorhombus sp. nov. from Pseudorhombus dupliciocellatus Regan, 1905 are described based on the female. Elthusa uranoscopus sp. nov. from Uranoscopus guttatus Cuvier, 1829 described from female and male. The female and male stages of Elthusa samariscii (Shiino, 1951) are redescribed and the transitional and larval (premanca and manca) stages are described. All the species were collected from the southwest coast of India. Elthusa fistularia sp. nov. is distinguished by cephalon 1.20 times wider than long; pleotelson broadly rounded, 1.70 times as wide as long, lateral margin convex; widest pleon 0.80 width of widest pereon; uropod rami subequal; and antenna 9-segmented, antennular bases moderately wide set. Elthusa pseudorhombus sp. nov. is characterized by cephalon 1.70 times wider than long; widest pleon 0.75 width of widest pereon; pleotelson 1.50 times as wide as long, evenly rounded; antenna with 10 articles, antennal bases widely separated; and uropod endopod shorter than exopod. Elthusa uranoscopus sp. nov. can be identified by cephalon 1.60 times wider than long, moderately immersed in the pereonite 1; widest pleon 0.84 width of widest pereon; pleotelson 1.80 times as wide as long posterior margin rounded, lateral margins convex; antenna 11 articled, slightly longer than antennula, greatly wider antennal bases; and uropod rami, endopod longer than exopod.


来自印度洋的the鱼寄生虫属Elthusa Schioedte&Meinert,1884年(甲壳纲:Isopoda:Cymothoidae)的分类学评论,并描述了三个新物种

回顾了印度水域的Elthusa Schioedte&Meinert属,1884年,并描述了印度的三个新物种。根据种类类型提供了经过修订的通用诊断,并将13种Elthusa视为不育种Elthusa incertae sedis。Elthusa fistularia sp。的女性阶段。十一月 收集自Fistularia petimbaLacepède,1803和Elthusa pseudorhombus sp。十一月 源自雷根的Pseudorhombus dupliciocellatus Regan,1905年根据女性描述。Elthusa uranoscopus sp。十一月 来自于Uranoscopus guttatus Cuvier,1829年描述于女性和男性。男女阶段Elthusa samariscii(Shiino,1951)被重新描述,过渡期和幼虫期(premanca和manca)被描述。所有物种均来自印度西南海岸。Elthusa fistularia sp。十一月 头颅的特征是头长比长宽1.20倍;pleotelson宽圆形,长1.70倍,侧缘凸。最宽的子0.88最宽的0.8子的宽度; uropod rami subequal; 天线9段,天线基部适中。Elthusa pseudorhombus SP。十一月 特征是头长比长宽1.70倍;最宽的保护套0.75的最大保护套宽度;pleotelson的宽度是长的1.50倍,均匀地四舍五入;天线有10条,天线基座分开。尾足内足比外足短。Elthusa uranoscopus sp。十一月 可以被头长比长1.60倍宽的头孢辨认,适度地浸入钙钛矿1中;最宽的ple子0.84最宽的eon子的宽度; 褶皱的长度是后缘圆形的1.80倍,侧缘凸起;天线11条,比圆环稍长,触角基部大得多;和uropod rami,内足比外足长。