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Combating quasiparticle poisoning with multiple Majorana fermions in aperiodically-driven quantum wire
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-05 , DOI: 10.1088/1361-648x/aba291
Raditya Weda Bomantara 1, 2 , Jiangbin Gong 1

Quasiparticle poisoning has remained one of the main challenges in the implementation of Majorana-based quantum computing. It inevitably occurs when the system hosting Majorana qubits is not completely isolated from its surrounding, thus considerably limiting its computational time. We propose the use of periodic driving to generate multiple MFs at each end of a single quantum wire, which naturally provides the necessary resources to implement active quantum error corrections with minimal space overhead. In particular, we present a stabilizer code protocol that can specifically detect and correct any single quasiparticle poisoning event. Such a protocol is implementable via existing proximitized semiconducting nanowire proposals, where all of its stabilizer operators can be measured from an appropriate Majorana parity dependent four-terminal conductance.



准粒子中毒仍然是实施基于马约拉纳的量子计算的主要挑战之一。当托管马约拉纳量子位的系统未与其周围环境完全隔离时,这种情况不可避免地会发生,从而大大限制了其计算时间。我们建议使用周期性驱动在单个量子线的每一端生成多个 MF,这自然提供了以最小的空间开销实现主动量子纠错所需的资源。特别是,我们提出了一种稳定器代码协议,可以专门检测和纠正任何单个准粒子中毒事件。这样的协议可以通过现有的邻近半导体纳米线提案来实现,其中所有稳定器算子都可以通过适当的马约拉纳奇偶校验相关的四端电导来测量。