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A new species of Travassosinema (Oxyuridomorpha: Travassosinematidae) from an Indian millipede, Trigoniulus corallinus (Gervais)
bioRxiv - Zoology Pub Date : 2020-08-04 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.08.02.232728
Somnath Bhakat

Travassosinema bengalensis n. sp. is described from the hind gut of the spirobolid millipede, Trigoniulus corallinus (Gervais) from West Bengal, India. Females of the new species differ from the only known Indian species, T. travassosi Rao, 1958 by several characters namely tail length, length of oesophagous, size of egg, extension of umbraculum etc. It is very similar to other three species of Travassosinema, T. travassosi, T. thyropygi Hunt, 1996 and T. claudiae Morffe & Hasegawa, 2017 as all of them lack lateral alae and body contraction posterior to vulva. Except T. claudiae, it differs from all other species from millipedes by longest tail length (60% SL) and differs from T. claudiae by shorter oesophagous length and location of vulva. A new method for presentation of morphometric data (in percentage to standard length) in nematode is suggested. On the basis of phylogenetic analysis, it is suggested that umbraculum bearing genera, Indiana, Pulchrocephala should be excluded from the family Travassosinematidae.



孟加拉Travassosinema sp。从印度西孟加拉邦的螺旋体千足虫的后肠Trigoniulus Coralinus(Gervais)中描述。新物种的雌性与唯一已知的印度物种T. travassosi Rao,1958年有几个不同的特征,即尾巴的长度,食道的长度,卵的大小,伞形的延伸等。它与Travassosinema的其他三个物种非常相似, T. travassosi,T。thyropygi Hunt,1996年和T. claudiae Morffe&Hasegawa,2017年,因为它们都没有外阴后外侧lateral和身体收缩。除了克劳氏菌以外,它与其他所有千足虫物种的最长尾巴长度(60%SL)不同,与克劳氏菌不同之处在于食管长度和外阴部位较短。提出了一种新的呈示线虫形态学数据(相对于标准长度的百分比)的方法。在系统发育分析的基础上,建议将带伞属的印第安那州(Indiana),P头目(Pulchrocephala)排除在Travassosinematidae科之外。