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East Village at Knutsford: A Case Study in Sustainable Urbanism
Sustainability ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-05 , DOI: 10.3390/su12166296
Joshua Byrne , Mike Mouritz , Mark Taylor , Jessica K. Breadsell

With increasing pressure to ensure that sustainability features in homes are commercially viable, demonstration projects are vital to highlight the real-world challenges and opportunities for innovation. This paper documents the incorporation of sustainability objectives into the “East Village at Knutsford” residential “living laboratory” development, within the Knutsford urban regeneration precinct, approximately 1.5 km east of the Fremantle central business district in Western Australia. The sustainability objectives for the project include being a “Net Zero Energy Development” using 100% renewable energy and maximizing the self-supply of energy, reducing mains water consumption as much as is practical, and using the landscape design to complement these objectives without compromising a best-practice urban greening outcome. The paper documents the design initiatives and strategies that have been included to achieve these objectives in a commercially viable project and the results of modelling where it has been used to test the design against the objectives to ensure their validity. The key features that have been incorporated into the townhouses component of the development are outlined, illustrating integrated design and systems thinking that builds on previous demonstration projects, incorporating solar energy storage and electric vehicle charging plus significant mains water savings by adopting water-sensitive features in the homes and the within the private and public gardens. The expected grid energy and mains water consumption levels in the homes through modelling compared to the metropolitan average is 80% lower. The project is presented as an important step in the application of available technologies and design features to meet stated sustainability objectives, highlighting the benefits of an embedded living laboratory research approach.


Knutsford 的东村:可持续城市化案例研究

随着确保家庭可持续性功能在商业上可行的压力越来越大,示范项目对于突出现实世界的挑战和创新机遇至关重要。本文记录了将可持续发展目标纳入“Knutsford 东村”住宅“生活实验室”开发项目的过程,该项目位于西澳大利亚州弗里曼特尔中央商务区以东约 1.5 公里处的 Knutsford 城市更新区内。该项目的可持续性目标包括成为使用 100% 可再生能源的“净零能源开发”,并最大限度地提高能源自给率,尽可能减少自来水消耗,并使用景观设计来补充这些目标而不影响这些目标最佳实践城市绿化成果。本文记录了在商业上可行的项目中为实现这些目标而包含的设计举措和策略,以及建模的结果,其中已将其用于针对目标测试设计以确保其有效性。概述了已纳入开发项目联排别墅部分的主要特征,说明了建立在先前示范项目基础上的集成设计和系统思维,将太阳能存储和电动汽车充电以及通过采用对水敏感的特征显着节省自来水家庭和私人和公共花园内。通过建模,预期的家庭电网能源和自来水消耗水平与大都市平均水平相比低 80%。