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A novel method to evaluate stream connectivity using trail cameras
River Research and Applications ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-04 , DOI: 10.1002/rra.3689
Christopher J. Bellucci 1 , Mary E. Becker 1 , Melissa Czarnowski 1 , Corinne Fitting 1

Stream connectivity is important for the ecological health of the stream and downstream waters. In this study, we use the term stream connectivity to mean hydrologically connected pools and riffles that link stream habitat along a longitudinal continuum (upstream to downstream), while also recognizing the lateral dimension (connection to flood plain) and vertical connection to groundwater. There are thousands of man‐made structures (i.e. dams, culverts, surface and groundwater withdrawal locations) in Connecticut which negatively impact stream connectivity and can result in aquatic habitat fragmentation. Cost‐effective techniques are needed to assess human alteration to streams in order to prioritize management actions to restore stream connectivity. We developed a method to characterize stream connectivity using commercially available trail cameras that cost less than approximately $500 per deployment. We developed a six‐category system to describe the variations in stream connectivity observed using the trail camera images. We then used the categorical data to calculate metrics that quantify stream connectivity. To pilot this approach, we evaluated reference locations with minimal anthropogenic influence on stream connectivity in comparison with stream reaches likely to be impacted by nearby groundwater wells. We found that metrics derived from trail camera images were useful to quantify stream connectivity. We anticipate that the methods outlined herein is a useful stream connectivity assessment tool that can be effectively communicated to scientists and non‐scientists. All source code and data for this project are freely available and open source at: https://github.com/marybecker/streamconnectivitymetrics.


