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Virtual CYTOmetry.
Cytometry Part A ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-23 , DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.24195
Attila Tárnok 1, 2, 3

This August issue will appear in the same month that the first CYTO Virtual Conference takes place. The virtuality of this 35th conference of the ISAC is unprecedented in ISAC's history. It will come with several innovations only possible in the virtual space that have been worked out by the creative and diligent Task Force of the ISAC to cope with the presently reduced ability to travel. I am quite excited to witness this first‐time experience with the very successful series of CYTO conferences going online. Who knows, but we should be open to this new format of research presentation. We may acquire a taste for it!

In support of the CYTO V conference, Cytometry Part A has invited all speakers and (virtual) poster presenters to publish their results in the form of reviews, mini‐reviews, original research manuscripts, or short manuscripts. We plan to have rapid peer reviewing and publication in upcoming special issues or special sections representing the latest research and innovations from the international CYTO community.

In this issue, I have assembled several publications on hot topics in the field of quantitative single‐cell analysis. I would like to draw your attention to the state‐of‐the‐art review from Keyes and colleagues (This issue, 782–799) on machine learning in cytometry for cancer studies, a field that has been a focus of Cytometry Part A for several years as reflected by over 50 publications in just the last 3–4 years. I would also like to highlight the research paper by Ferrer‐Front and colleagues (This issue, 824–831), who analyzed peripheral blood leukocytes by high‐dimensional mass cytometry (36 isotopes) and high‐dimensional spectral flow cytometry (22 colors), and the 28‐color OMIP‐063 by Payne and colleagues (This issue, 777–781).

Also in this issue is the latest report on COVID‐19 in our COVID Fast Track program, wherein Huang and colleagues (This issue, 772–776) present a meta‐analysis on changes in lymphocyte subset counts in a range of mild to severely ill COVID‐a 19 patients.

This month, we again welcome a new member to our editorial board, Dr. Raluca Niesner. The most recent previous addition to our journal's excellent team of editors was Xuantao Su from Shandong University just a few weeks ago (1). I wish to welcome Prof. Dr. Raluca Niesner from the Deutsches Rheuma‐Forschungszentrum (German Rheuma Research Center) DRFZ in Berlin, Germany, as our latest member of the team of Associate Editors. Raluca will be responsible for developing content in the field of intravital microscopy. Raluca already guest‐edited an exciting special issue together with Anja Hauser and David Entenberg on “Intravital Microscopy: Innovations and Applications” (2). I would like to introduce you to our new Associate Editor:



本期八月刊将在第一届 CYTO 虚拟会议召开的同一个月出版。ISAC 第 35 届会议的虚拟性在 ISAC 的历史上是前所未有的。它将带来一些只有在虚拟空间中才有可能的创新,这些创新是由 ISAC 富有创造力和勤奋的工作组制定的,以应对目前旅行能力下降的问题。我很高兴能够见证这一非常成功的 CYTO 会议系列在线会议的首次体验。谁知道呢,但我们应该对这种新的研究报告形式持开放态度。我们可能会喜欢上它!

为支持 CYTO V 会议,Cytometry Part A已邀请所有演讲者和(虚拟)海报展示者以评论、迷你评论、原始研究手稿或简短手稿的形式发表他们的结果。我们计划在代表国际 CYTO 社区最新研究和创新的即将到来的特刊或特刊中进行快速同行评审和出版。

在本期中,我汇集了多篇关于定量单细胞分析领域热门话题的出版物。我想提请您注意 Keyes 及其同事(本期,782-799)关于癌症研究中细胞计数中机器学习的最新评论,该领域一直是细胞计数 A 部分的重点,用于癌症研究。仅在过去的 3-4 年中就发表了 50 多篇出版物,这反映了几年。我还要强调 Ferrer-Front 及其同事的研究论文(本期,824-831),他们通过高维质谱流式细胞术(36 种同位素)和高维光谱流式细胞术(22 种颜色)分析了外周血白细胞,以及 Payne 及其同事的 28 色 OMIP-063(本期,777-781)。

本期还有我们的 COVID 快速通道计划中关于 COVID-19 的最新报告,其中 Huang 及其同事(本期,772-776)对一系列轻度至重度患者的淋巴细胞亚群计数变化进行了荟萃分析COVID-a 19 名患者。

本月,我们再次欢迎一位新成员加入我们的编辑委员会,Raluca Niesner 博士。最近加入我们期刊优秀编辑团队的是几周前来自山东大学的苏轩涛 ( 1 )。欢迎来自德国柏林 Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum(德国风湿病研究中心)DRFZ 的 Raluca Niesner 教授成为我们副主编团队的最新成员。Raluca 将负责开发活体显微镜领域的内容。Raluca 已经与 Anja Hauser 和 David Entenberg 一起客座编辑了一个关于“活体显微镜:创新和应用”(2)的令人兴奋的特刊。我想向您介绍我们的新副主编:
