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Bond performance of a hybrid coating zinc-rich epoxy incorporating nano-ferrite for steel rebars subjected to high temperatures in concrete
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101698
D.E. Tobbala , Bassam Abdelsalam Abdelsalam , Ibrahim Saad Agwa

The main issues in common steel rebar coatings are the reduction in bond strength and inconvenience to high temperatures. Inspired by these facts, a hybrid coating zinc-rich epoxy (ZRE) incorporating nano-ferrite (NF) (NF-ZRE) was prepared with different percentages. The performance of bond strength was studied at different temperatures up to 600 °C in the presence of ZRE coating. In addition, the results of the uncoated specimens and other categories with an additional layer of Sikadur-31 (SDE) epoxy bonding coating over ZRE coating (SDE-ZRE) were compared. This experiment was performed for two different mixes, namely, normal (MN) and silica fume mixes (MSF). The effect of adding NF with different percentages of ZRE on bond strength in the MSF mix was investigated, and all results at distinct temperatures were compared. The compressive strength test and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were conducted to explain the obtained results of bond strength. Results showed that the residual bond strength of uncoated and ZRE-coated specimens in the MSF mix was better than that of MN at temperatures up to 400 °C. The specimens with SDE-ZRE were deboned at temperatures over 300 °C. Furthermore, the residual bond strengths of specimens incorporating NF-ZRE, specifically in 2% NF, recorded the greatest values at high temperatures up to 500 °C. All the attained results were verified and emphasized through the compressive strength test and SEM.



普通的钢筋涂层的主要问题是粘结强度的降低和对高温的不便。受这些事实的启发,制备了掺有不同百分比的纳米铁氧体(NF)(NF-ZRE)的混合涂料富锌环氧树脂(ZRE)。在ZRE涂层的存在下,在高达600°C的不同温度下研究了粘结强度的性能。此外,还比较了在ZRE涂层(SDE-ZRE)上加了Sikadur-31(SDE)环氧粘结涂层的未涂层样品和其他类别的结果。该实验是针对两种不同的混合物进行的,即普通混合物(M N)和硅粉混合物(M SF)。添加不同ZRE百分比的NF对M SF中粘结强度的影响研究了混合物,并比较了不同温度下的所有结果。进行抗压强度测试和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)来解释所获得的粘合强度结果。结果表明,在M未涂覆和ZRE涂覆试样的残余粘合强度SF混合比的M个更好Ñ在温度高达400℃。具有SDE-ZRE的样品在超过300°C的温度下脱粘。此外,掺入NF-ZRE的样品的残余粘结强度(特别是2%NF)在高达500°C的高温下记录到最大值。通过抗压强度试验和SEM对所有获得的结果进行了验证和强调。
