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Latent Groups of Cybersecurity Preparedness in Europe: Sociodemographic Factors and Country-level Contexts
Computers & Security ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2020.101995
Claire Seungeun Lee , Ji Hye Kim

Abstract The increase of people's online presence creates additional cybersecurity threats. Cybersecurity preparedness is increasingly important to minimize and mitigate cybersecurity-related victimization. This study explores how cybersecurity preparedness is shaped by socio-structural factors across thirty European samples. We analyzed survey items measuring purchase behavior, user's security settings, software settings, and trust in websites from the 2014 Eurobarometer (N=26,879). The findings of latent class analysis show three groups based on members’ cybersecurity preparedness: uninformed users, disciplined users, and cautious users. The determinants of cybersecurity preparedness were examined using two-level hierarchical logit modeling. While sociodemographic factors modestly contribute to cybersecurity preparedness at an individual level, country-level economic status (GDP per capita) and cybersecurity preparedness (Global Cybersecurity Index) appear to be significant for individual-level cybersecurity preparedness. In countries with higher cybersecurity preparedness and economic status, individuals tend to show a higher level of cybersecurity preparedness. Implications for government agencies and corporations are discussed.



摘要 人们在线人数的增加造成了额外的网络安全威胁。网络安全准备对于最大程度地减少和减轻与网络安全相关的受害影响越来越重要。本研究探讨了 30 个欧洲样本中的社会结构因素如何影响网络安全准备。我们分析了 2014 年欧洲晴雨表 (N=26,879) 中衡量购买行为、用户安全设置、软件设置和网站信任度的调查项目。潜在类别分析的结果根据成员的网络安全准备情况显示了三组:不知情的用户、纪律严明的用户和谨慎的用户。使用两级分层逻辑模型检查网络安全准备的决定因素。虽然社会人口因素在个人层面对网络安全准备的贡献不大,但国家层面的经济状况(人均 GDP)和网络安全准备(全球网络安全指数)似乎对个人层面的网络安全准备很重要。在网络安全准备和经济地位较高的国家,个人往往表现出更高的网络安全准备水平。讨论了对政府机构和公司的影响。