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Seasonal Variations in the Grain Size Distribution and Mineral Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter of the Northern Dvina River
Oceanology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-05 , DOI: 10.1134/s0001437020030017
V. V. Gordeev , O. M. Dara , T. N. Alekseeva , A. I. Kochenkova , A. G. Boev , A. S. Lokhov , S. K. Belorukov

The paper presents the first results of a study of seasonal variations in the grain size distribution and mineral compositions of suspended particulate matter (SPM) of the Northern Dvina River. The SPM samples were collected every month during 2016–2017 at the outlet of the Kuznetchiha arm to Dvina Bay of the White Sea. The grain size fractions were separated by Petelin’s water-mechanical method with retention of fractions for subsequent analyses using an electron microscope, energy-dispersion microanalyzer, and X-ray difractometer. The results demonstrated that the pelitic and subcolloidal fractions predominated in the grain size distribution of river SPM, with subordinate coarser fractions. Seasonal variations in the SPM concentration and the total amount of detrital and clay minerals are influenced by river water discharge and achieved a maximum in high water periods (spring flood and partly at the end of summer–autumn heavy rains). The subcolloidal fraction in the March sample stands out in the fine fraction distribution. Its share in this sample was the highest among these fractions throughout the year. The reason is probably related to the highest content of fine dispersed detrital minerals in the fraction. The question of why this is encountered only in March remains open.


