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Anti-Lessepsian migration rectified: the Comber Serranus cabrilla (L. 1758) existed in the Red Sea prior to the Suez Canal opening
Marine Biology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s00227-020-03748-0
Arthur R. Bos , Joel Ogwang , Michel Bariche , Mizuki Horoiwa , Menna Megahed , Amged Ouf , Nina Yasuda

Since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, a plethora of Red Sea fishes have entered the Mediterranean Sea (Lessepsian migration). The Comber Serranus cabrilla is considered to have moved in the opposite direction as anti-Lessepsian migrant and has an established population in the northern Red Sea. Mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear DNA from 49 individuals from Red Sea (Gulf of Suez) and Mediterranean populations (Cyprus, Egypt and Lebanon), as well as GenBank sequences from other Mediterranean and Atlantic populations were analyzed to study phylogenetic relationships. COI sequencing resulted in a phylogenetic tree that isolated the Red Sea population from all Mediterranean and Atlantic populations. Furthermore, sequence divergence within the Red Sea population was significantly lower than in Atlantic and Mediterranean populations. Moreover, none of the Mediterranean haplotypes were present in the Red Sea. SNPs and MIG-seq analyses of nuclear DNA confirmed that the Red Sea population is genetically different from the Mediterranean populations. A rough estimate of divergence time suggested that Mediterranean and Red Sea populations separated 194,055 years ago, at the latest. Serranus cabrilla must, therefore, have existed in the Red Sea prior to the opening of the Suez Canal and can no longer be considered as an anti-Lessepsian migrant.


纠正了反莱塞普斯移民:在苏伊士运河开通之前,红海中存在 Comber Serranus cabrilla(L. 1758)

自 1869 年苏伊士运河开通以来,大量的红海鱼类进入了地中海(莱塞普斯迁移)。Comber Serranus cabrilla 被认为作为反莱塞普斯移民向相反的方向移动,并在红海北部拥有稳定的种群。分析了来自红海(苏伊士湾)和地中海种群(塞浦路斯、埃及和黎巴嫩)的 49 个个体的线粒体 (COI) 和核 DNA,以及来自其他地中海和大西洋种群的 GenBank 序列,以研究系统发育关系。COI 测序产生了一种系统发育树,将红海种群与所有地中海和大西洋种群隔离开来。此外,红海种群内的序列差异显着低于大西洋和地中海种群。而且,在红海中不存在地中海单倍型。核 DNA 的 SNP 和 MIG-seq 分析证实红海种群在遗传上与地中海种群不同。对分化时间的粗略估计表明,地中海和红海种群最迟在 194,055 年前分离。因此,在苏伊士运河开通之前,Serranus cabrilla 必须已经存在于红海中,不能再被视为反莱塞普斯移民。