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A Matching Game With Discard Policy for Virtual Machines Placement in Hybrid Cloud-Edge Architecture for Industrial IoT Systems
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ( IF 11.7 ) Pub Date : 6-4-2020 , DOI: 10.1109/tii.2020.2999880
Romano Fantacci , Benedetta Picano

Nowadays, industrial Internet of Things (IIoTs) has gained attention as an emerging application area of the Internet of Things paradigm to improve efficiency and reliability in a wide class of manufacture processes. This article focuses on a combined edge-cloud computing architecture for IIoT systems, and addresses the minimization of both the mean system response time and the number of requests dropping due to a response time greater than their time deadline. The problem is formulated as a matching game with externalities between the edge computing servers, and the applications themselves. The proposed strategy adopts a discard policy with the aim at favoring the IIoT-devices requests with a not-expired deadline. Moreover, a suitable discussion of the matching stability is proposed. Finally, the strategy's validity has been confirmed by the system performance expressed in terms of mean and worst system response time and outage probability, in comparison to methods recently proposed in the literature.



如今,工业物联网 (IIoT) 作为物联网范例的新兴应用领域而受到关注,以提高各类制造过程的效率和可靠性。本文重点介绍 IIoT 系统的边缘云计算组合架构,并解决平均系统响应时间和由于响应时间超过截止时间而导致的请求丢弃数量的最小化问题。该问题被表述为边缘计算服务器与应用程序本身之间具有外部性的匹配博弈。拟议的策略采用丢弃策略,旨在支持未过期截止日期的工业物联网设备请求。此外,还提出了匹配稳定性的适当讨论。最后,与文献中最近提出的方法相比,该策略的有效性已通过以平均和最差系统响应时间以及中断概率表示的系统性能得到证实。