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Evaluating Personalized Pervasive Health Technology鈥擝ut How?
IEEE Pervasive Computing ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-31 , DOI: 10.1109/mprv.2020.2989880
Jakob E. Bardram 1

Examines the concept of "thorough evaluations.” For example, are authors supposed to show clinical evidence for the health efficacy of their technology? Or, are they supposed to show that the technology is technically sound and working? Or, that it is secure and has appropriate privacy-protection of sensitive personal data? Or, that the technology is usable and user-friendly for the users? Or, ....? These questions touch upon a more fundamental question, namely how researchers can evaluate novel ubiquitous computing technology in the health domain in a manner that allows them to make meaningful claims about their utility and argue for their scientific contributions in the broader health technology domain. Evaluation of health technology has always been difficult and subject to significant scientific disputes. From a technological perspective, we are mainly interested in the design of novel technology and understanding how it works under different circumstances, while gradually and iteratively improving on its technical features and capabilities. This calls for formative evaluation methods, which help us understand how the technology works and how it can be improved according to a set of design goals. In this approach, we seek to understand the technology and look “into” it, i.e., a white-box evaluation strategy.



检查“彻底评估”的概念。例如,作者是否应该展示其技术的健康功效的临床证据?或者,他们是否应该证明该技术在技术上是可靠的并且有效?或者,它是安全的并且对敏感个人数据具有适当的隐私保护? ?或者,该技术对于用户来说是可用且用户友好的?或者,....?这些问题涉及一个更基本的问题,即研究人员如何以允许的方式评估健康领域的新型普适计算技术。他们对自己的实用性提出有意义的主张,并为自己在更广泛的健康技术领域的科学贡献辩护,对健康技术的评估一直很困难,并且受到重大科学争议的影响。从技术角度来看,我们主要对新颖的设计感兴趣。技术并了解其在不同情况下的工作原理,同时逐步迭代地改进其技术特性和能力。这就需要形成性的评估方法,帮助我们了解技术的工作原理以及如何根据一组设计目标对其进行改进。在这种方法中,我们寻求理解该技术并“深入”它,即白盒评估策略。