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Journal American Water Works Association ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-04 , DOI: 10.1002/awwa.1548
Kenneth L. Mercer

Although AWWA has long recognized that every utility must provide fair rates and fees to all customers, the water industry has made slow progress in recognizing the importance of customer assistance programs. Utilities were not designed to provide social assistance, but especially after the economic recession in 2008, many were forced into that position as financially strained communities faced high unemployment, closed businesses, and mortgage distress. Customers struggled to pay their bills, and utilities had to find ways to keep people connected.

Every stakeholder wants to avoid shutting off water services; shutoffs are wasteful and emotionally expensive, and a point of friction that can burn hot if managed poorly. In response to more recent challenges, many utilities across North America have worked closely with their local, state, provincial, and national governments to collaborate on solutions to affordability challenges in their service areas.

The water industry's efforts have gained traction in the last few years, including with AWWA's report, Developing a New Framework for Household Affordability and Financial Capability Assessment in the Water Sector , and the article by Manny Teodoro and Robin Rose Saywitz in this issue of Journal AWWA . Many times, collaborating with existing community service programs can deliver assistance to low‐income households through customer assistance programs operated by other utilities (such as energy service) and community housing organizations. The approaches will vary, but every solution should account for both household affordability and the financial capability of the local water utility.

In the best of times, most utilities may face a low but steady stream of struggling customers. Unfortunately, we are facing historically high levels of unemployment and a complete reorganization of society caused by COVID‐19, so we should expect that the need for affordability programs is likely to skyrocket. In fact, the next few years could be the ultimate stress test for many communities, because the ability of low‐income customers to pay for safe, reliable water does not reduce their need for those services. As we work to stay safe and healthy, utilities and their communities will need flexibility and creativity to somehow balance expected lower revenues with expected rising costs while giving attention to staff safety and continuity of service.

While customers should understand the underlying forces that drive their water and wastewater rates, many renters never see a water bill, so it can be difficult to communicate with, much less help, those who are disproportionately affected by affordability challenges. Tougher times seem likely, so the water industry will need guidance and support on issues of affordability.

This month's Journal AWWA features a range of topics, including affordability, communication, and AWWA Standards. Please consider sharing your perspectives and experiences with water professionals everywhere by writing me at journaleditor@awwa.org.





在过去的几年中,自来水行业的工作受到了关注,包括AWWA的报告,“开发水行业家庭负担能力和财务能力评估的新框架”,以及Manny Teodoro和Robin Rose Saywitz在本期《 AWWA杂志》上发表的文章。。很多时候,与现有社区服务计划合作可以通过其他公用事业(例如能源服务)和社区住房组织运营的客户援助计划为低收入家庭提供帮助。方法会有所不同,但是每种解决方案都应考虑家庭负担能力和当地自来水公司的财务能力。



