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Addressing storage time restrictions in the S-graph scheduling framework
Optimization and Engineering ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s11081-020-09548-1
Máté Hegyháti , Tibor Holczinger , Olivér Ősz

Storage planning and utilization are among the most important considerations of practical batch process scheduling. Modeling the available storage options appropriately can be crucial in order to find practically applicable solutions with the best objective value. In general, there are two main limitations on storage: capacity and time. This paper focuses on the latter and investigates different techniques to tackle limited storage time within the S-graph framework. The S-graph framework is a collection of combinatorial algorithms and a directed graph based model that has been introduced three decades ago and has been under development ever since. In this work, several options for addressing storage time limitations within the framework were implemented and tested for efficiency. The empirical results over a huge number of tests have unequivocally favored one of the approaches, which will be applied in later developments.



