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Ecology and management of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L. syn. Q. borealis F. Michx.) in Europe: a review
Forestry ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-20 , DOI: 10.1093/forestry/cpy032
Valeriu-Norocel Nicolescu 1 , Torsten Vor 2 , William L Mason 3 , Jean-Charles Bastien 4 , Robert Brus 5 , Jean-Marc Henin 6 , Ivo Kupka 7 , Vasyl Lavnyy 8 , Nicola La Porta 9 , Frits Mohren 10 , Krasimira Petkova 11 , Károly Rédei 12 , Igor Štefančik 13 , Radosław Wąsik 14 , Sanja Perić 15 , Cornelia Hernea 16

Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L. syn. Q. borealis F. Michx.) is a valuable broadleaved tree species originating from the eastern half of the USA and Canada. It was introduced to Europe in 1691 and currently covers over 350 000 ha, being found all over the continent, except the coldest part of Scandinavia. It is a fast-growing and valuable broadleaved tree due to its ecological characteristics, good wood properties and high economic value. Northern red oak prefers deep, loose, moderately humid and acid soils, without compact horizons and of at least moderate fertility. It does not grow well on dry, calcareous soils as well as waterlogged or poorly drained soils. It is either naturally regenerated using a group shelterwood system or planted using seedlings of European provenance, collected in certified seed stands. As northern red oak is light-demanding, its management should be ‘dynamic’ and includes heavy interventions (cleaning–respacing and thinning from above), in order to minimize crown competition between the final crop trees. These should produce large diameter trees for valuable end uses (e.g. veneer, solid furniture, lumber, etc.) within a rotation period generally of 80–100 years. The necessity for pruning (both formative and high) depends on the stand stocking at establishment, the subsequent silvicultural interventions as well as the occurrence of forking. The adaptation potential of northern red oak to predicted climate change, especially drought, seems to be higher than for European native oaks, the importance of the species is expected to increase in the future.


生态与北方红橡木的管理(北美红栎L. SYN。问:北极光F.金樱子。)在欧洲:回顾

北方红栎(北美红栎L. SYN。Q.北极光F. Michx。)是一种有价值的阔叶树种,起源于美国和加拿大的东半部。它于1691年引入欧洲,目前覆盖超过35万公顷,遍布欧洲大陆,除斯堪的纳维亚半岛最冷的部分。由于其生态特性,良好的木材特性和较高的经济价值,它是一种生长迅速且有价值的阔叶树。北部红橡树喜欢深厚,疏松,中等潮湿和酸性的土壤,没有狭窄的地势,并且至少具有中等肥力。它在干燥,石灰质的土壤以及涝渍或排水不良的土壤上生长不好。它可以通过集体防护林系统自然再生,也可以使用欧洲种苗种植,并在经过认证的种子摊中进行种植。由于北部的红橡树比较采光,它的管理应该是“动态的”,并包括大量的干预措施(从上方进行清理,重新种植和疏伐),以最大程度地减少最终作物树木之间的树冠竞争。这些应在通常为80至100年的轮换期内生产大直径的树木,以用于有价值的最终用途(例如,饰面板,实木家具,木材等)。修剪的必要性(形成性和高度)取决于建立时的林分蓄积量,随后的造林干预以及分叉的发生。北部红橡树对预测的气候变化(尤其是干旱)的适应潜力似乎比欧洲本地橡树更高,因此该物种的重要性有望在未来增加。为了最小化最终作物树之间的树冠竞争。这些应在通常为80至100年的轮换期内生产大直径的树木,以用于有价值的最终用途(例如,饰面板,实木家具,木材等)。修剪的必要性(形成性和高度)取决于建立时的林分蓄积量,随后的造林干预以及分叉的发生。北部红橡树对预测的气候变化(尤其是干旱)的适应潜力似乎比欧洲本地橡树更高,因此该物种的重要性有望在未来增加。为了最小化最终作物树之间的树冠竞争。这些应在通常为80至100年的轮换期内生产大直径的树木,以用于有价值的最终用途(例如,饰面板,实木家具,木材等)。修剪的必要性(形成性和高度)取决于建立时的林分蓄积量,随后的造林干预以及分叉的发生。北部红橡树对预测的气候变化(尤其是干旱)的适应潜力似乎比欧洲本地橡树更高,因此该物种的重要性有望在未来增加。修剪的必要性(形成性和高度)取决于建立时的林分蓄积量,随后的造林干预以及分叉的发生。北部红橡树对预测的气候变化(尤其是干旱)的适应潜力似乎比欧洲本地橡树更高,因此该物种的重要性有望在未来增加。修剪的必要性(形成性和高度)取决于建立时的林分蓄积量,随后的造林干预以及分叉的发生。北部红橡树对预测的气候变化(尤其是干旱)的适应潜力似乎比欧洲本地橡树更高,因此该物种的重要性有望在未来增加。