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Technical challenges for offshore cultivation of kelp species: lessons learned and future directions
Botanica Marina ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1515/bot-2019-0005
Urd Grandorf Bak 1, 2 , Ólavur Gregersen 1 , Javier Infante 3

Abstract Traditional kelp farming methods require a high amount of labor and are limited in geographic distribution – occurring mainly in nearshore, sheltered sites. To address growing global demand for sustainable biomass, the continued expansion of kelp cultivation will most likely have to move further offshore. Although many offshore cultivation trials have been done over the last 50 years, few were sufficiently robust to be viable in exposed and deep-water areas. In the North Atlantic Ocean, a Faroese company developed and tested a structural farm design that has survived in open-ocean conditions since 2010. The durable structure has withstood harsh weather events common in the Faroe Islands and thereby presents a potential strategy and method for moving kelp farming further offshore. This paper describes the primary challenges of offshore kelp farming and provides an overview of work previously done. Ultimately, the improved productivity, system survivability and scalability the MacroAlgal Cultivation Rig (Faroe Islands) and the BioArchitecture Lab cultivation grid (Chile) represent state-of-the-art and powerfully transformative strategies to pursue large-scale offshore farming to support mass production of kelp in the near future.



摘要 传统的海带养殖方法需要大量劳动力,而且地理分布有限——主要发生在近岸的避风场所。为了满足全球对可持续生物质不断增长的需求,海藻种植的持续扩张很可能不得不进一步向海外转移。尽管在过去的 50 年中进行了许多海上种植试验,但很少有足够强大的试验可以在裸露和深水区域可行。在北大西洋,一家法罗群岛公司开发并测试了自 2010 年以来一直在公海条件下幸存下来的结构化农场设计。这种耐用的结构经受住了法罗群岛常见的恶劣天气事件,从而提供了一种潜在的迁移战略和方法离岸更远的海带养殖。本文描述了近海海带养殖的主要挑战,并概述了以前所做的工作。最终,MacroAlgal Cultivation Rig(法罗群岛)和 BioArchitecture Lab 栽培网格(智利)提高的生产力、系统生存能力和可扩展性代表了追求大规模离岸养殖以支持大规模生产的最先进和强大的变革战略海带在不久的将来。