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Multipass Electrofishing Sampling Efficiency for Stream Crayfish Population Estimates
North American Journal of Fisheries Management ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10443
Zanethia C. Barnett 1, 2 , Clifford A. Ochs 2 , Jason D. Hoeksema 2 , Susan B. Adams 1

We estimated the efficiency of electrofishing for collecting crayfishes in southern Appalachian Mountain streams (Alabama, USA). We conducted electrofishing depletion surveys at 20 sites in five large, species-rich streams in two drainages. We collected five crayfish species during the depletion surveys. On average, catchability was 34%, with depletion surveys collecting 73% of the individuals that were estimated to reside within stream sections. Catchabilities were lower for pass 1 than for the subsequent passes in 21% of the depletion surveys. The number of species that was collected increased during the second electrofishing pass, indicating that conducting two electrofishing passes may be more effective than a single electrofishing pass is for estimating the richness of crayfish species. Crayfish catchability by electrofishing was higher in streams with higher conductivities, longer crayfish, higher water temperatures, and lower percentages of adult males. Our results show that multipass electrofishing can precisely assess population density for various crayfish species in species-rich, large-stream habitats and that multipass electrofishing provides more precise estimates of species richness for crayfish than single-pass electrofishing does. Numerous studies illustrate the importance of crayfishes to aquatic ecosystems, with crayfishes serving as ecosystem engineers and playing major roles in food web dynamics (Statzner et al. 2003; Usio and Townsend 2004). While the ecological importance of crayfishes is evident (Chambers et al. 1990; Lodge et al. 1994; Momot 1995), we still struggle with accurately assessing crayfish community structures and population characteristics (e.g., density). For crayfishes and other organisms, efficient sampling methods are critical for accurately and precisely estimating biotic assemblage structures including species richness, composition, and relative abundances (Maher et al. 1994; Growns et al. 1996; Kennard et al. 2006) and for making informed ecosystem management decisions (Kennard et al. 2006). Electrofishing is a common sampling method that is used to assess the structure of crayfish populations both quantitatively and qualitatively (Usio and Townsend 2000; Adams 2013; Larson and Olden 2016; Adams et al. 2018; Budnick et al. 2018). However, few studies have assessed the efficiency of electrofishing for sampling crayfish *Corresponding author: zanethia.c.barnett@usda.gov Received December 12, 2019; accepted March 26, 2020 North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:840–851, 2020 © 2020 American Fisheries Society This article has been contributed to by US Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA. ISSN: 0275-5947 print / 1548-8675 online DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10443



我们估计了在阿巴拉契亚山脉南部溪流(美国阿拉巴马州)中收集小龙虾的电捕鱼效率。我们在两个排水系统中五个物种丰富的大型河流的 20 个地点进行了电捕捞耗竭调查。我们在耗竭调查期间收集了五种小龙虾。平均而言,可捕获率为 34%,枯竭调查收集了 73% 估计居住在河段内的个人。在 21% 的枯竭调查中,第 1 次通过的可捕获性低于后续通过。在第二次电钓期间收集的物种数量增加,表明进行两次电钓可能比单次电钓更有效地估计小龙虾物种的丰富度。在电导率较高、小龙虾较长、水温较高和成年雄性百分比较低的溪流中,通过电捕捞小龙虾的捕获率更高。我们的结果表明,多通道电捕鱼可以精确评估物种丰富的大溪流栖息地中各种小龙虾物种的种群密度,并且与单通道电捕鱼相比,多通道电捕鱼可以更精确地估计小龙虾的物种丰富度。大量研究表明小龙虾对水生生态系统的重要性,小龙虾作为生态系统工程师并在食物网动态中发挥重要作用(Statzner 等人,2003 年;Usio 和 Townsend 2004 年)。虽然小龙虾的生态重要性显而易见(Chambers 等人,1990 年;Lodge 等人,1994 年;Momot 1995 年),我们仍在努力准确评估小龙虾群落结构和种群特征(例如密度)。对于小龙虾和其他生物,有效的采样方法对于准确和精确地估计包括物种丰富度、组成和相对丰度在内的生物组合结构(Maher 等人,1994 年;Growns 等人,1996 年;Kennard 等人,2006 年)以及使知情的生态系统管理决策(Kennard 等人,2006 年)。电捕鱼是一种常用的抽样方法,用于定量和定性评估小龙虾种群的结构(Usio 和 Townsend 2000;Adams 2013;Larson 和 Olden 2016;Adams 等人 2018;Budnick 等人 2018)。然而,很少有研究评估电捕鱼对小龙虾采样的效率 *通讯作者:zanethia.c.barnett@usda。gov 2019 年 12 月 12 日收到;接受 2020 年 3 月 26 日北美渔业管理杂志 40:840–851,2020 年 © 2020 美国渔业协会 本文由美国政府雇员提供,他们的工作在美国属于公共领域。ISSN:0275-5947 印刷版 / 1548-8675 在线版 DOI:10.1002/nafm.10443