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Adoption and economic impacts of laser land leveling in the irrigated rice‐wheat system in Haryana, India using endogenous switching regression
Natural Resources Forum ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-02 , DOI: 10.1111/1477-8947.12197
Jeetendra P. Aryal 1 , Arun Khatri‐Chhetri 2 , Tek B. Sapkota 3 , Dil B. Rahut 1 , Olaf Erenstein 1

This study assesses the factors affecting the adoption of laser land leveling (LLL) and its impact on crop yields and net returns. It uses household survey data collected from 621 randomly selected farmers in Karnal District of Haryana, India, and applies endogenous switching regression models. Unbiased model results show that the adoption of LLL has significant positive impacts on yields (rice +549 kg ha−1; wheat +471 kg ha−1) and net returns (an aggregate increase of US$230/ha) in the rice‐wheat production system, thereby raising farmers' income substantially. Our results show that LLL adoption at the farm level is influenced by land size and quality, tenure system, availability of farm machinery (tractor), access to finance and farm cooperatives, gender of household head, level of education and training and access to extension services. Therefore, LLL scaling strategies need to consider these bio‐physical and socio‐economic parameters to reach adoption at scale and generate large social, economic, and environmental benefits.



这项研究评估了影响采用激光土地平整(LLL)的因素及其对作物产量和净收益的影响。它使用了从印度哈里亚纳邦Karnal区的621位随机选择的农民那里收集的家庭调查数据,并应用了内生转换回归模型。无偏模型结果表明,采用LLL的对产量显著的积极影响(大米549千克公顷-1 ;小麦471公斤公顷-1)和稻麦生产系统的净收益(总计增加230美元/公顷),从而大大提高了农民的收入。我们的结果表明,在农场一级采用LLL受以下因素的影响:土地面积和质量,权属制度,农业机械(拖拉机)的可用性,获得金融和农业合作社的机会,户主的性别,教育和培训水平以及获得推广的机会服务。因此,LLL扩展策略需要考虑这些生物物理和社会经济参数,以实现大规模采用并产生巨大的社会,经济和环境效益。